Rasa 2.8 , issue with python upgrade to 3.7

Hello there,

I recently upgraded my python version to 3.7.5 from python 3.6.9. After which I am getting empty response( [ ] ) in Postman and same in browser network tab from Rasa server on ubuntu machine. Its working fine on windows machine. Please help me . Is it because am missing some linux dependencies? on the UI am shown fallback response which is triggered generally when there is timeout in request. Thank you


@pgouthamiu2 can you share rasa --version and the error traceback with screenshot.


hello nik202, Thank you for the reply. Anyways I just resolved my issue. My bot had a trained model ported from windows machine to linux machine. hence because of incompatible model bot was giving empty response. It started functioning after retraining the model on my linux machine. My rasa version is 2.8.6. thanks again.