I am a newbie and deployed Rasa X (Google Cloud - Docker) as per this tutorial. Everything was fine and I could chat with the deployed assistant until I got a notification about updating Rasa X.
After updating, I kept getting ‘Wrong Credentials’ when typing my login password (see screenshot below). (NB: The wrong credentials warning pops up automatically even before typing my password)
I went through the other topics and tried all (restarting, resetting using sudo python3 rasa_x_commands.py create --update admin me etc.) but no luck. Anyone else with the same problem?
Weird - what do your developer tools say in the network tab when you try to log in?
And what was the result of sudo python3 rasa_x_commands.py create --update admin me ?
Thanks again for replying @Tobias_Wochinger
I deleted the Gcloud VM instance and re-did the entire thing and now it’s working. I have no idea why but it seems that the brute force method worked this time.
I have been trying to install rasa x using docker compose. I have previously done it many times and have never had the password issue. This time however when I try to set the password as mentioned in the documentation page "sudo python rasa_x_commands.py --update create admin <USER> <PASSWORD>" I’m setting the as admin and I get the below error