Will Kearns joins the Rasa Hero group!

Hey there Rasa @community,

We are pleased to welcome Will Kearns (@kearnsw) into the Rasa Hero group! :rasahero:

Will has been an incredible support across our community channels since 2019. On GitHub, he contributed code and helped us improve the Slack connector, added support for additional training metadata, previously added Dynamo DB Tracker store and helped us resolve plenty more bugs along the way.

In 2020, he completed the Rasa Developer Certification, and the Advanced Deployment Certification, using that knowledge to actively help others in our forum, taking time to understand fellow community questions and discussing potential solutions.
Today, he is also the Co-Founder of Caring for Caregivers Online (COCO), and over his career he has developed methods that enable machines to understand the mental states of users and respond empathetically over multi-turn dialogue with applications in patient relationship management, mental health therapy, and augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technologies.

We are so grateful and proud of what Will has achieved, and we are so excited to host his presentation at the 2021 Rasa Summit: Beyond Sentiment Analysis: Creating Engaging Conversational Experiences through Empathy taking place on Thursday 11th of February at 18:05 UTC - so don’t miss out!

Thank you Will!