Video Series - Deploy Kubernetes Cluster on Linode With Terraform With Rasa Chat Bot

So I have been working on a new video series to start teaching people kubernetes, terraform and other things and used the previous video I made about the auto versioned Rasa chatbot to now show how to actually deploy it into a kubernetes cluster.

The video is a 2 part series that will show you how to setup everything, you need your own custom domain for the ssl and other parts but besides that the total cost of the cluster and ingress nginx to host the apps is about $40 a month and a great way to learn.

This utilizes cert-manager on kubernetes with your custom domain to setup automated ssl certs using the annotations from the Rasa helm chart.

See the below blog post for more info on the links to the videos and the public cookiecutter repo you can work off that has built in docs you can build and follow, thanks and let me know if you used this and it was helpful at all.


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