Thanks very much to rasa Community for all information and course that I made accessible, those helped me a lot. Nevertheless, there is something that I can’t find anywhere. It is a way to deploy rasa open source to a custom website and link it to rasa x but with kubernetes, using helm installation and the values.yml file.
I have tried creating a simple index.html-website that integrates the rasa webchat widget and is linked to rasa x like this:
<body> <script>!(function () { let e = document.createElement("script"),
t = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; (e.src =
// Replace 1.x.x with the version that you want
(e.async = !0),
(e.onload = () => {
customData: { language: "fr" },
socketUrl: "rasax url",
socketPath: "/",
// add other props here
params: { "storage": "session"}
t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild); })(); </script>
And then added this in my values.yml file:
debugMode: true
# from microk8s build-in registry
name: "localhost:32000/civa-augmented-bot-action-server"
tag: "0.0.1"
# connect LoadBalancer directly to VMs' internal IP
# You get this value with: $ hostname -I
externalIPs: [******]
# initialUser is the user which is created upon the initial start of Rasa X
# password for the Rasa X user
password: "*********"
# passwordSalt Rasa X uses to salt the user passwords
passwordSalt: "*********"
# token Rasa X accepts as authentication token from other Rasa services
token: "*********"
# jwtSecret which is used to sign the jwtTokens of the users
jwtSecret: "*********"
# tag refers to the Rasa X image tag
tag: "0.42.2"
# token Rasa accepts as authentication token from other Rasa services
token: "*********"
# tag refers to the Rasa image tag
tag: "2.8.5-full"
user_message_evt: user_uttered
bot_message_evt: bot_uttered
session_persistence: true
# rabbitmq settings of the subchart
# password which is used for the authentication
password: "*********"
# postgresql: global settings of the postgresql subchart
# postgresqlPassword is the password which is used when the postgresqlUsername equals "postgres"
postgresqlPassword: "*********"
# redis: global settings of the postgresql subchart
# password to use in case there no external secret was provided
password: "*********"
But after deploying rasa x with
helm --namespace my-namespace install --values values.yml my-release rasa-x/rasa-x
command, there was no widget on my website.
But when I replace the rasax url by my website url in the index.html file and execute
rasa run -m models --enable-api --cors "*"
localy, it works, meaning I can see the rasa webchat widget on my hosted website and talk to my bot.
How can I make the rasa webchat widget accessible on my website and connect the website with rasax with Helm chart deployment (helm --namespace my-namespace install --values values.yml my-release rasa-x/rasa-x)
Can anybody help me please ?