Rasa X Docker compose issue

Dear Community,

We working with a chatbot built through a docker compose file. We follow the instructions in the docs. We have upgraded the Rasa x from v0.32.5 to 0.35. the files nlu.md, story.md and domain.yml were not accepted in the new version. The nlu file and the story file were successfully converted to yaml. The domain file was also converted, but cannot be included in Rasa X. Therefore we have set up Rasa x only with the supplied files (intents,stories, responses). But again we get no responses from the bot. During the interactive training we can see that the correct intents and responses are found. The found answer is not displayed. I have searched the community but have not found a solution so far.

Hi Community,

Wer urgently waiting for a solution to our problem. We have made an upgrade to 0.36. When we export the domain file from our system and upload it to the new version. Then all responses are missing. They are missing in the domain file. Are they not inserted anywhere else? rasa x vesion 0.32.1 rasa open source 2.3.1 The version 0.32.1 works Can someone help quickly?