Rasa - Neo4j Connection examples?


I am trying to set up a custom action that connects to Neo4j, queries the graph (presumably using Cypher) and then returns the results to the python custom action and the dispatcher object then returns these to the Rasa UI.

I have found examples below but none seem specific to what I’m looking for on how I should use the Neo4j authentication credentials and where these should be stored.

I also have questions - so if I have multiple users asking questions that query Neo4j then would this open multiple sessions or just a single session or does this somehow need to be managed in the python file? Or do I make a connection to Neo4j and do a one off operation to store the graph structure into Rasa - is this possible?

Does anyone know of an example with details of the end to end integration from Rasa using custom action and connecting specifically to Neo4j Aura?

How to integrate an ontology with Rasa bot - Rasa Open Source - Rasa Community Forum

Custom action and endpoint for neo4j - Rasa Open Source - Rasa Community Forum

Knowledge Base Actions (rasa.com)

Thanks for any assistance
