Adding custom actions in Rasa that take into consideration object relationships

Hello there.

Hope that everybody is doing very well.

I am developing a chatbot using the Neo4j graph database as a Knowledge Base. Until now I have implemented these 2 custom actions that the ActionQueryKnowledgeBase class supports:

  1. the user wants to get a list of objects from the knowledge base.
  2. the user wants to get the value of an attribute for a specific object.

I want to go further and take into consideration the relationships between objects/nodes in the graph. We are using Neo4j graph database as a knowledge base because we want to focus on the relationships between data. I know that Rasa ActionQueryKnowledgeBase doesn’t support this edge case for the moment, but I want to ask if anybody has done any progress in this field, so being able to build custom actions that take into consideration relationships between objects/nodes. I want to focus on working in this direction and if somebody has done anything it would be great to share.

Thank you