Rasa HTTP-API (RASA 3.6.2)

Is there an api that returns the tracker information of “Rasa” to us and returns both a reply to what we wrote and the confidince values of that answer.

I’m not sure if you’re asking about past conversations (from the tracker) or you want to test the NLU and get the confidence scores.

Is there an api that returns the tracker information

The conversations endpoint does this.

returns both a reply to what we wrote and the confidince values of that answer.

You can test an utterance live and see the results of the NLU using the parse message endpoint.

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Thank you your response , These api do not give us the response and o response confidence values to me. Do you have any information about this?

The docs above show example output

post => {{baseUrl}}/model/parse { “text”: “Hello, I am Rasa!”, “message_id”: “b2831e73-1407-4ba0-a861-0f30a42a2a5a” }

Output is { “text”: “Hello, I am Rasa!”, “intent”: { “name”: “greet”, “confidence”: 0.9999970197677612 }, “entities”: , “text_tokens”: [ [ 0, 5 ], [ 7, 8 ], [ 9, 11 ], [ 12, 16 ] ], “intent_ranking”: [ { “name”: “greet”, “confidence”: 0.9999970197677612 }, { “name”: “kimsin”, “confidence”: 2.874720848922152e-6 }, { “name”: “goodbye”, “confidence”: 6.415234565793071e-8 } ], “response_selector”: { “all_retrieval_intents”: , “default”: { “response”: { “responses”: null, “confidence”: 0.0, “intent_response_key”: null, “utter_action”: “utter_None” }, “ranking”: } } }

The output is not returning the response text to me. Only he responds un confidence value is returning. I want the answer that needs to be returned.

It actually should. If you use the endpoint /conversations/<conversation ID>/tracker and use the value for ‘latest_message’, it contains all interesting values.

Please recheck and make sure that you get a response back from your bot.