Rasa Custom UI Updates

Hi all, I have added support for Buttons & Images, now you can test the UI with buttons & Images :slight_smile: https://github.com/JiteshGaikwad/RASA-Chatbot-UI.git

Note: It works only with Rest Input Channel, for more details head on to Connecting to Messaging and Voice Channels

Demo :

Do check it out and any suggestions are welcomed :wink:


hello @JiteshGaikwad i have a issue what´s is the number of buttons which supports your UI

REGARDS :wink:

hey @Robert14 as of now i haven’t tested how much buttons it supports yes but i can tell you that it supports the buttons present in your training data, i mean the buttons json data returned by the rasa rest input channel api

right, thank you a lot for your UI, Im going to test it

sure welcome, do test it out, if it supports the number of buttons you want

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hello @JiteshGaikwad i have a issue and a really aprecciate if you can help me,

see, i test the ui in localhost and it works perfectly but, when i tried to connect to my bot in a web site i don´t have response,

@JiteshGaikwad thanks for your work. but still confused what things we can do using buttons

can you please send again git hub URL because this URL display error 404.Thanks in advance.