More up to date tutorials by Rasa developers?

Hi guys, I was wondering when will we see more up to date tutorials on deploying rasa x, setting a complete chatbot from scratch, actually setting up custom NLP for 2-3 other languages as examples?

I feel like you provide lots of updates, but not enough straight forward content to help beginner developers that start with your framework!

Would love to see more feedback on this. Especially with the new Rasa open source 3.0 as the master class on youtube (which is actually the best series you guys made) is for rasa 1.8 and the courses only cover how to implement already written code. It’s basically more of a review than an actual training course.

@georgebrianb Nobody will do anything, even nobody from the team even replies. If they see and reply then we are lucky.

This sucks a lot, I’ve signed with a client to actually develop something using Rasa, and I feel it’s one of the frameworks with the less involvement from devs with community. One of the devs is on the discord server and I’ve seen no help from her.

I think the project might be dying soon, maybe they don’t want to keep working on it?

@georgebrianb I am also disappointed with Rasa and Rasa Team. A harsh reality, but if you need any help, I will try to help you. Good Luck!

I would love to have a chat over discord/any other communication app, my discord tag is georgebbbb#7285.

Thanks and hope I’ll hear from you soon!

I don’t really agree with you guys.

The Rasa Team is working very hard to keep the project alive with frequent updates (Rasa 3 is coming soon!), a lot of video tutorials (like the Masterclass, Algorithm Whiteboard, Live Coding, etc.), and I find they pay great attention to their community.

The only problem in my opinion is that the Masterclass is outdated, but there are awesome official up-to-date courses on Udemy.

The Rasa Team also organizes awesome events like L3-AI.

The reason I chose to work with Rasa is that in my research about chatbot frameworks, Rasa was clearly the best in terms of simplicity, flexibility, utility, community, documentation, and more.

Hopefully you will keep using Rasa and see how great it is! :slight_smile:


Hey, I do not think that the udemy courses are very well explained. I’ve already seen them when they’ve had the conference this spring. It was just a pre-recorded session in which they explain rasa and iterate over some code, but that’s not hands-on from scratch development, and this is really what they lack.

The masterclass is outdated. By a few years, and that was the only resource that would actually explain well enough the process of creating a chatbot from scratch. (Much better than any udemy course)

Hope they see this and focus on that master class. It’s an open source software, their tutorials are okay, but speaking with other devs, it seems I’m not the only one that feels this way!

Thank you for your reply though!

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Yes I can see your point of view!

Hopefully they’ll get this feedback and work towards a Masterclass for 3.0 and other hands-on tutorials :slight_smile:

@georgebrianb I have completed all three udemy courses and I agree with George, even the Udemy courses need some brush-up and also there is no point in just update the version every month, it makes more confusion in the community and you can see there are major issues in Rasa X, etc. Rasa is a great open-source and I always and will always be encouraged to use but at some points I am disappointed. Some tutorial on youtube are just awesome.

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Also, there’s no live interaction in any way with the community. You must be really lucky to get an answer in due time when using Rasa X. This is not very “open-sourcy” of them, it’s just a way to push devs to move to enterprise.

I am encountering an issue with the deployment as we speak (on a fresh VM, all hardware req spec met) and there’s nobody I could talk to right now.

@georgebrianb Agreed on this point too with you, but on the other hand you can share the issue with us. But, all you points are valid and I am also seeking these answers over a month now.

You can check it out here:

Hey @georgebrianb

Thank you for providing detailed feedback and outlining exactly what kind of developer education you’re looking for.

We understand that our community is very interested in educational resources which focuses on building a bot all the way from scratch, just like @Juste covered in the previous Masterclass series. Therefore, our Developer Relations team have been working on updating this series with the highest priority, and the great news is that the first episode is scheduled to release very soon over the next couple of weeks. :slight_smile:

We are also presently reviewing and discussing the workshops/courses we provide and how we can improve them going forward. Additionally, also planning new content on Rasa X installation and deployment, we should have news on that in the not so distant future.

A small sidenote, but important to mention, the Discord server is currently a community run channel, and as we state in the #Rules on the server, any questions which cannot be answered by fellow community members, should be directed to the Rasa Community Forum. This is certainly the best place to ask your technical questions, always feel free to tag me here with any feedback on community or education related topics.

@nik202 I think your first comment is an unfair statement, members of our team are actively involved in our community forum, from answering multiple questions on a daily basis to helping to resolve technical blockers or iterating on new ideas. At the same time, they are working hard to improve Rasa Open Source for everyone. If our developers don’t respond right away, it’s probably because they are working on an open issue. That all being said, I am very aware and appreciate the support you share to our community here too. So that we don’t derail this topic, it would be great to have a more direct conversation with you on how we can improve the forum outside this thread. I will follow up with you via DM.


Hey @Emma, I’ve opened a github issue and a new thread on the forum regarding a deployment problem. That was 1 week ago, and I’m working for a client. He understands that this is a problem coming from the software provider, but lack of feedback is not appreciated…

Can you please point me to an e-mail I could create an inquiry too? I would love to be able to finally deploy and test my solution, but so far there’s no resolution to my issue. I’ve tried different alternatives on the client’s infrastructure and I stumble across issues that without help are hard to troubleshoot. Thank you!