Invalid Domain- Duplicate Intents

Hello All,

We are receiving below mentioned error when trying to train model or open our domain from Rasa X UI.

“ Intents are not unique! Found multiple intents with name(s) [‘greet’, deny’]. Either rename or remove the duplicate ones.”

We tried to find out ways to rename or delete the intent, but seems that option is not available in rasa x UI. Please advise if there is any such option and how do we go ahead and delete these duplicate intents.


Hello, In Rasa X, there is currently no built-in option to directly rename or delete intents through the user interface. However, you can make the necessary changes to your domain file manually and then upload it to Rasa X. Here’s how you can resolve the issue of duplicate intents:

Access your Rasa X project directory where your Rasa files are located. Locate the domain file. By default, it is named domain.yml. Open the domain file using a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE). Look for the duplicate intents mentioned in the error message (in this case, ‘greet’ and ‘deny’). Rename or remove one of the intents to ensure they are unique. For example, you can rename ‘deny’ to ‘deny_intent’. Save the changes to the domain file. Once you have made the necessary changes, you need to upload the updated domain file to Rasa X. Here’s how you can do it:

Open your Rasa X user interface in your browser. Navigate to the project that you want to update. Click on the “Models” tab. Select the dropdown menu next to the model you want to update and choose “Edit” or “Upload new model” option. In the model configuration page, locate the “Domain” section. Click on the “Upload” button and select the updated domain file (the one you modified). Wait for the model training process to complete. Once the model is trained and ready, you should be able to open your domain in Rasa X without encountering the duplicate intents error. By manually modifying the domain file and uploading it to Rasa X, you can resolve the issue of duplicate intents and continue training your model or accessing your domain in the Rasa X user interface.