How do you judge the same intention

rasa-x :2.8.4 rasa :0.45.4

the rasa-x logs tell me Intents are not unique, and give me some intents ,but i don’t found the same name in these intent

logs like that

rasa.shared.core.domain.InvalidDomain: Intents are not unique! Found multiple intents with name(s)
 ['faq', 'faq/行程延误', 'nlu_fallback', '催促', '再见', '反馈', '否定', '咨询退款', '在线客服', '增值服务查询', '增值服务退订', '宽泛问题', '寻求解释', '感谢', '我要办理自愿改签', '投诉', '报销凭证修改', '报销凭证查询', 
'报销凭证登记', '报销凭证金额不对', '报销凭进度查询', '改签后的行程不对', '改签意向', '无法处理', '没有帮助', '测试删除', '消极情绪', '积极情绪', '肯定', '订单支付后多久出票', '订单退款失败如何处理', 
'质疑是机器人', '质疑费用', '购票申请', '转接人工', '输入信息', '退款进度查询', '退款金额不对', '退票申请', '退订意图', '问候', '闲聊'].
Either rename or remove the duplicate ones

@yangli can you share nlu.yml file for the reference please.

version: "2.0"

  - regex: number
    examples: |
      - \d+
  - regex: 表情符号
    examples: |
      - [^\\u0000 \uFFFF]

@yangli are you using any custom pipeline?

What you shared is surely not the full NLU…

Please share the rest as well as your domain.yml.

Yes. share all the related files for the same.