How to capture the response from slack datepicker


I have added datepicker to my slack bot from my file. However, I have no idea how to capture the selected date. I have used buttons and were able to capture the output using “value” field in the definition

msg = {
  "blocks": [
  		"type": "section",
  		"block_id": "section1234",
  		"text": {
  			"type": "mrkdwn",
  			"text": "Pick a date for the deadline."
  		"accessory": {
  			"type": "datepicker",
  			"action_id": "datepicker123",
  			"initial_date": "2022-11-01",
  			"placeholder": {
  				"type": "plain_text",
  				"text": "Select a date"
  		"type": "actions",
  		"elements": [
  				"type": "button",
  				"text": {
  					"type": "plain_text",
  					"text": "Process"
  				"value": "/custom_action",
  				"action_id": "actionId-0"


When I press the button, the custom_action intent gets triggered. However, I need to set a deadline_date slot when the datepicker value is changed. I checked multiple tutorials, forms and docs but still do not have an idea how to accomplish that. Please help. Am using Rasa 3 community edition