Error 401 after installing Rasa X

Hi everyone! I’ve been having trouble after installing Rasa X with Docker Compose manually.

I first install docker compose manually following every step provided by this page, using windows:

When I run the Docker Compose on my computer, the api’s log goes from a 200 state to a 404 with the following error:

rasa-x_1           | Starting Rasa X/Enterprise server (http)... ?

rasa-x_1           | [2022-01-14 15:38:23 +0000] [10] [INFO] Goin' Fast @

rasa-x_1           | request to external service: telemetry key not set.

rasa-x_1           | request to external service: telemetry key not set.

rasa-x_1           | request to external service: telemetry key not set.

rasa-x_1           | request to external service: telemetry key not set.

rasa-x_1           | request to external service: telemetry key not set.

rasa-x_1           | [2022-01-14 15:38:23 +0000] [22] [INFO] Starting worker [22]

rasa-x_1           | request to external service: telemetry key not set.

rasa-x_1           | request to external service: telemetry key not set.

rasa-x_1           | request to external service: telemetry key not set.

rasa-x_1           | event service (standalone: False).

rasa-x_1           | request to external service: telemetry key not set.

rasa-x_1           | [2022-01-14 15:38:24 +0000] [21] [INFO] Starting worker [21]

rasa-x_1           | [2022-01-14 15:38:24 +0000] [24] [INFO] Starting worker [24]

rasa-x_1           | [2022-01-14 15:38:24 +0000] [26] [INFO] Starting worker [26]

rasa-x_1           | request to external service: telemetry key not set.

rasa-x_1           | [2022-01-14 15:38:25 +0000] - (sanic.access)[INFO][]: GET http://rasa-x:5002/api/config?token=zNGT**************   200 893

rasa-x_1           | [2022-01-14 15:38:25 +0000] - (sanic.access)[INFO][]: GET http://rasa-x:5002/api/config?token=zNGT**************   200 893

rasa-x_1           | ERROR:asyncio:Task was destroyed but it is pending!

rasa-x_1           | task: <Task pending name='Task-13' coro=<Connection.disconnect() done, defined at /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/aioredis/> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[<TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0x7f8aa06f4880>()]>>

rasa-x_1           | [2022-01-14 15:38:30 +0000] - (sanic.access)[INFO][]: GET http://rasa-x:5002/api/models/tags/production?token=zNGT**************  404 159

When I log into Rasa from the browser with the previous configured user and password, the next error pops up:

When I enter Chrome’s console with F12, the next errors show up:


When I click on the api’s urls that appear in the console, I get this message:

{“reasons”:[“Authorization header not present.”],“exception”:“Unauthorized”}

So, I was wondering if after the manual installation there’s an extra step I’m missing to make Rasa X work or if there’s a configuration mistake or bug that isn’t allowing me to run it.

When entering the “docker compose ps” command in Powershell, every port appear as “UP”

rasamanual_app_1               ./ run python ...   Up             5055/tcp                                 
rasamanual_db-migration_1      python -m ...   Up (healthy)   8000/tcp                                 
rasamanual_db_1                /opt/bitnami/scripts/postg ...   Up             5432/tcp                                 
rasamanual_duckling_1          duckling-example-exe --no- ...   Up             8000/tcp                                 
rasamanual_nginx_1             / ngin ...   Up             80/tcp,                                  
rasamanual_rabbit_1            /opt/bitnami/scripts/rabbi ...   Up             15671/tcp, 15672/tcp, 25672/tcp,         
                                                                               4369/tcp, 5551/tcp, 5552/tcp, 5671/tcp,  
rasamanual_rasa-production_1   rasa x --no-prompt --produ ...   Up             5005/tcp                                 
rasamanual_rasa-worker_1       rasa x --no-prompt --produ ...   Up             5005/tcp                                 
rasamanual_rasa-x_1            /tini -g -- sh -c user_id= ...   Up             5002/tcp                                 
rasamanual_redis_1             /opt/bitnami/scripts/redis ...   Up             6379/tcp  ```

These are all the versions I have already installed (validated with Rasa’s Comptatibility Matrix)


I have Python v3.8

Thank you so much for reading and your help.

@josenlp90 what is the method of installation can you share please?

Hi nik202! Thanks for your reply.

I installed docker compose manually following every step provided by this page, using windows: Docker Compose Installation

I’ve been able to install it but when I run it I get the 404 error in the Docker Compose’s log.

@josenlp90 did you provided all the permissions?

How can i check that? Sorry, I’m just starting with Rasa.

@josenlp90 did you followed every step as mentioned in the doc?

Thank you @nik202

Yes, I followed every step as mentioned in the doc. There wasn’t any problem with the installation, the problem comes up when I try to run Rasa X with docker compose.

@josenlp90 this is the deprecated installation I’m afraid you can not install it please read it carefully Installation Guide

@josenlp90 if you want to install rasa x using docker you need to install rasa x 0.42.x Docker Compose Installation

If you need any further help on that, please message me.

@nik202 Yep, here they are. I followed Rasa’s website instructions, it said I had to copy and paste them:

   token: ${RASA_X_TOKEN}
   wait_time_between_pulls: ${RASA_MODEL_PULL_INTERVAL}
   type: sql
   dialect: "postgresql"
   url: ${DB_HOST}
   port: ${DB_PORT}
   username: ${DB_USER}
   password: ${DB_PASSWORD}
   db: ${DB_DATABASE}
   login_db: ${DB_LOGIN_DB}
   type: "redis"
   url: ${REDIS_HOST}
   port: ${REDIS_PORT}
   password: ${REDIS_PASSWORD}
   db: ${REDIS_DB}
   type: "redis"
   url: ${REDIS_HOST}
   port: ${REDIS_PORT}
   password: ${REDIS_PASSWORD}
   db: ${REDIS_CACHE_DB}
   type: "pika"
   url: ${RABBITMQ_HOST}
   username: ${RABBITMQ_USERNAME}
   password: ${RABBITMQ_PASSWORD}
   url: ${RASA_USER_APP}/webhook
   token: ""

this is the deprecated installation I’m afraid you can not install it please read it carefully Installation Guide

Sorry for being repetitive, but English is not my first language. So, I might be missing some things. I have Rasa X 1.0.1, does this mean the information in that installation guide is not going to work for me? Is it Rasa X 0.42.x the latest version compatible with Docker Compose?

Thanks for the information and your time, it’s been very useful.

No worries, take you time :slight_smile:

Yes, you can’t install rasa x using docker as it’s not an available solution anymore for rasa x 1.0.1

Correct, you need to you docker installation for rasa 0.42.x if you want to install rasa and already shared in my above post.

Please if this is helpful, can I request to close this thread as the solution for others. No worries happy to help you :slight_smile:

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