I am getting error while trying to connect integrated version control through ssh URL ON Rasax platform.
But getting below errors: f"An error happened when trying to access ‘{repository_url}’. It seems " ERROR:rasax.community.api.blueprints.git:An error occurred while creating a new repository: ERROR:rasax.community.api.blueprints.git:Given repository credentials don’t provide write permissions to the repository. Please make sure the SSH key is correct and the administrator of the remote repository gave you the required permissions.
I have added the ssh key as deploy key to the git repository and have given write permissions also.
Also i checked executng below command-
curl --request POST --url http://10.XXX.XXX.XXX/api/projects/default/git_repositories?api_token=abchdjdkdl05c4f2d2fb379c5a42faf4a0848b1 --header ‘content-type: application/json’ --data-binary @repository.json
But got below error:
{“version”:“0.32.2”,“status”:“failure”,“message”:“Insufficient permissions for remote repository.”,“reason”:“RepositoryCreationFailed”,“details”:“Given repository credentials don’t provide write permissions to the repository. Please make sure the SSH key is correct and the administrator of the remote repository gave you the required permissions.”,“help”:null,“code”:422}curl: (6) Could not resolve host: application.
Please help.