YamlValidationException while migrating Domain from rasa==1.x to Rasa==2.0.0

Hi @akelad. Need your help here. I have ran this command rasa data convert config --config config_nlu.yml with rasa==2.0.0 and found YamlValidationException. Here are the logs:

YamlValidationException: Failed to validate '/code/ai/pre_built_bots/rizq/domain.yml'. Please make sure the file is correct and all mandatory parameters are specified. Here are the errors found during validation:
  in /code/ai/pre_built_bots/rizq/domain.yml:636:
      Value '[ordereddict([('buttons', [ordereddict([('entity_value', []), ('intent', 'bachao.donate'), ('payload', '/bachao.donate'), ('title', 'Donate to Bachao'), ('url', '')])]), ('click_url', 'http://www.sharerizq.com/en/rizq-bachao'), ('image_name', '1589276069_23416515_615705765266418_2583731134181408768_n.jpg'), ('subtitle', 'Don't let your food goto waste. Call us to share food0311-110 7497'), ('title', 'Rizq Bachao')]), ordereddict([('buttons', [ordereddict([('entity_value', []), ('intent', 'lunch.donate'), ('payload', '/lunch.donate'), ('title', 'Donate Lunch'), ('url', '')])]), ('click_url', 'http://www.sharerizq.com/en/lunch-box'), ('image_name', '1589276211_23507567_1952884678262495_2080001955068903424_n.jpg'), ('subtitle', 'Feed under-privileged school kids.To know more, call us! 0311-110 7497'), ('title', 'Rizq School Lunch')]), ordereddict([('buttons', [ordereddict([('entity_value', []), ('intent', 'daig.donate'), ('payload', '/daig.donate'), ('title', 'Donate Daig'), ('url', '')])]), ('click_url', 'http://www.sharerizq.com/en/services-daig'), ('image_name', '1589276409_70468237_132991008068900_8053892047670401698_n.jpg'), ('subtitle', 'Chicken Biryani serving 70 people! Donate now.'), ('title', 'Rizq Daig')]), ordereddict([('buttons', [ordereddict([('entity_value', []), ('intent', 'ration.donate'), ('payload', '/ration.donate'), ('title', 'Donate Ration'), ('url', '')])]), ('click_url', 'http://www.sharerizq.com/en/rizq-ration'), ('image_name', '1589276409_95135804_108850854001901_6273763073859993383_n(1).jpg'), ('subtitle', 'Support a family of 6 for a month! Donate Rs3500 now.'), ('title', 'Rizq Ration')])]' is not a dict. Value path: '/responses/utter_about.services/0/custom'
  in /code/ai/pre_built_bots/rizq/domain.yml:2187:
      Value '[ordereddict([('buttons', []), ('click_url', 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_fAQo1mA3EP7Im-OjBuEBRTBPwZp_fvRxiBC01o9fv6FKSA/viewform'), ('image_name', '1589316125_supportus_becomeapartner.jpg'), ('subtitle', 'Become a member of  #HungerFreePakistan movement. Click the URL to register.'), ('title', 'Become a Partner')]), ordereddict([('buttons', []), ('click_url', 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdAi1-bIzhMEIXmFxK4DTV6tH3PptJ2msHJhFyOwyTWBmjuvQ/viewform'), ('image_name', '1589316125_volunteer.jpeg'), ('subtitle', '#EhsaasKaro- Rizq Karkun Up Form will allow you to mitigate the impacts of corona'), ('title', 'Become a Volunteer')]), ordereddict([('buttons', []), ('click_url', 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSedBIMcILRGyaQqAQiS0AFnRj40uA1IXYeuMObpahVce6fBbQ/viewform'), ('image_name', '1589316125_food-drive-bank-thanksgiving-christmas-holiday-donation_53562-8822.jpg'), ('subtitle', 'Have excess food? Become a regular supplier and assist the needy.'), ('title', 'Become a Food Supplier')]), ordereddict([('buttons', []), ('click_url', 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSegG6lHfuCZftFebqRb6NqczVmD4oZ6HXOx-BNCU1rU9F5woA/viewform'), ('image_name', '1589316635_ngo.jpeg'), ('subtitle', 'Create online awareness on hunger or become a distributor for us to the needy!'), ('title', 'NGO-Community Organization Signup')]), ordereddict([('buttons', []), ('click_url', 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeFOhSjq9ZEuAiY1d6O78Qy-gE25D4tnV3H8mP0ge21uDjTlA/viewform'), ('image_name', '1589316635_organize2.jpg'), ('subtitle', 'Register your educational institute with us to end hunger.'), ('title', 'Campus Signup')]), ordereddict([('text', 'You can become a part of our people powered movement to end hunger in a variety of forms.\nYou can ask any other question OR just type " Main Menu" to get more options.')])]' is not a dict. Value path: '/responses/utter_volunteer.join/0/custom'

Here is the Domain:

- action_default_ask_affirmation
- action_default_fallback
- action_form_deactivate
- action_form_transfer
- action_increment_form_mapping_counter
- action_restarted
- action_slot_reset
- action_utterances_handler
- utter_about.blog
- utter_about.contact
- utter_about.donating
- utter_about.founders
- utter_about.location
- utter_about.operation
- utter_about.partners
- utter_about.rizq
- utter_about.services
- utter_about.social_media
- utter_about.team
- utter_affirm
- utter_agent.bad
- utter_agent.can_you_help
- utter_agent.chatbot
- utter_agent.good
- utter_agent.happy
- utter_agent.sure
- utter_agent.what_can_do
- utter_agent.who_are_you
- utter_appraisal.bad
- utter_appraisal.good
- utter_appraisal.thank_you
- utter_appraisal.welcome
- utter_attachment.received
- utter_bachao.donate
- utter_bachao.process
- utter_bachao.terms_and_conditions
- utter_beneficiary.ration
- utter_beneficiary.reference
- utter_beneficiary.register
- utter_beneficiary.verification
- utter_complaints.donation
- utter_complaints.unanswered_phone_call
- utter_contact.us
- utter_daig.cost
- utter_daig.distribution_process
- utter_daig.donate
- utter_daig.items
- utter_daig.terms_and_conditions
- utter_daig.total_recipients
- utter_default
- utter_deny
- utter_dialog.hold_on
- utter_dialog.wrong
- utter_donation.cash_collection
- utter_donation.change
- utter_donation.confirmation
- utter_donation.different
- utter_donation.proof
- utter_donation.zakat
- utter_emoji.angry
- utter_emoji.happy
- utter_emoji.sad
- utter_geetings.inshaallah
- utter_get_started
- utter_greetings.allah_hafiz
- utter_greetings.bye
- utter_greetings.emoji
- utter_greetings.goodmorning
- utter_greetings.hello
- utter_greetings.how_are_you
- utter_greetings.jazakallah
- utter_greetings.mashaallah
- utter_greetings.nice_to_meet_you
- utter_greetings.nice_to_see_you
- utter_greetings.nice_to_talk_to_you
- utter_greetings.salam
- utter_greetings.whatsup
- utter_job.apply
- utter_lunch.donate
- utter_lunch.donors
- utter_lunch.process
- utter_menu.main_message
- utter_out_of_scope
- utter_ration.cost
- utter_ration.donate
- utter_ration.items
- utter_ration.process
- utter_ration.rizqbanks
- utter_ration.terms_&_conditions
- utter_user.back
- utter_user.bored
- utter_user.busy
- utter_user.confirm_later
- utter_user.confused
- utter_user.going_to_bed
- utter_user.good
- utter_user.happy
- utter_user.hurry
- utter_user.needs_advice
- utter_user.waits
- utter_volunteer.distribution
- utter_volunteer.join
- utter_welcome_message
- address
- amount-of-money
- cnic
- confirm_free_slots
- confirmation
- distance
- duration
- email
- family_members
- name
- number
- ordinal
- phone-number
- phone_number
- sys_day
- sys_month
- sys_time
- sys_year
- temperature
- time
- url
- volume
- beneficiary.status_form
- is_continue_form
- inform
- cancel_booking
- complaints.unanswered_phone_call:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- complaints.donation:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- contact.us:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- menu.main_message:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- daig.total_recipients:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- daig.terms_and_conditions:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- daig.items:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- daig.donate:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- daig.distribution_process:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- daig.cost:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- volunteer.join:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- volunteer.distribution:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- out_of_scope:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- get_started:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- attachment.received:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- user.needs_advice:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- user.hurry:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- user.happy:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- user.good:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- user.going_to_bed:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- user.confirm_later:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- user.bored:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- greetings.whatsup:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- greetings.salam:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- greetings.nice_to_talk_to_you:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- greetings.nice_to_see_you:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- greetings.mashaallah:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- greetings.jazakallah:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- greetings.hello:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- greetings.goodmorning:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- greetings.emoji:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- greetings.bye:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- greetings.allah_hafiz:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- geetings.inshaallah:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- deny:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- appraisal.welcome:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- appraisal.thank_you:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- appraisal.good:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- appraisal.bad:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- agent.what_can_do:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- agent.happy:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- agent.good:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- agent.chatbot:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- agent.can_you_help:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- affirm:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- lunch.process:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- lunch.donors:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- lunch.donate:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- ration.terms_&_conditions:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- ration.rizqbanks:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- ration.process:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- ration.items:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- ration.donate:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- ration.cost:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- job.apply:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- donation.zakat:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- donation.proof:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- donation.different:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- donation.confirmation:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- donation.change:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- donation.cash_collection:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- beneficiary.verification:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- beneficiary.status:
    triggers: beneficiary.status_form
    - name
    - cnic
    - phone_number
    - family_members
    - address
- beneficiary.register:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- beneficiary.reference:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- beneficiary.ration:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- bachao.terms_and_conditions:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- bachao.process:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- bachao.donate:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- about.team:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- about.social_media:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- about.services:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- about.rizq:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- about.partners:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- about.operation:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- about.location:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- about.founders:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- about.donating:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- about.contact:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- about.blog:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- form_deactivate:
    triggers: action_form_deactivate
- increment_form_mapping_counter:
    triggers: action_increment_form_mapping_counter
- None:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- choose
- dialog.hold_on:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- agent.who_are_you:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- user.waits:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- user.back:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- user.confused:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- user.busy:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- agent.bad:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- emoji.angry:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- greetings.how_are_you:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- greetings.nice_to_meet_you:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- agent.sure:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- dialog.wrong:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- emoji.happy:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
- emoji.sad:
    triggers: action_utterances_handler
  carry_over_slots_to_new_session: false
  session_expiration_time: 10
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    initial_value: 0
    type: text
    type: list
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: unfeaturized
    type: unfeaturized
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
    type: text
  - text: 'You may view our blog by clicking this link: https://blog.sharerizq.com/'
  - text: If you have any queries, write to us on info@sharerzq.com. You may call
      us at 0311-1107497 or visit our website www.sharerizq.com. Have a nice day!
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.services
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.services
      title: Services/Programs
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.zakat
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.zakat
      title: Zakat
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.cash_collection
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.cash_collection
      title: Cash Collection
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.proof
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.proof
      title: Donation Proof
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.different
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.different
      title: Donation Types
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.confirmation
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.confirmation
      title: Donation Confirmation
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      is_quick_reply: true
      title: ''
      url: ''
    text: "You can donate through:\n1- Our web portal http://www.sharerizq.com/en/donate.\
      \ \n2- For Global Donations:http://paypal.me/rizqsharefood\n3- For EASY PAISA\
      \ our details are: 0347292749735202-3048899-7\n4- Our CASH COLLECTION service\n\
      5- BANK ACCOUNTS:\nUBLRizq \nTrust Account Number: 0253-265439344\nPK38UNIL0109000265439344\n\
      UNILPKKA \nBank Islami\nRizq\n204300092700001\nPK35BKIP0204300092700001\nBKIPPKKA"
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.rizq
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.rizq
      title: About Rizq
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.team
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.team
      title: About Team
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.partners
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.partners
      title: About Partners
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.operation
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.operation
      title: Operational Cities
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.contact
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.contact
      title: Contact Us
      url: ''
    text: Rizq was founded by Huzaifa Ahmed, Qasim Javaid and Musa Aamir with the
      aim of ending hunger.
  - text: We are located at 40 - Commercial Area Cavalry Ground, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
      You may call at +92 42 366-100-41 before visiting.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.rizq
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.rizq
      title: About Rizq
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.team
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.team
      title: About Team
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.founders
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.founders
      title: About Founders
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.partners
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.partners
      title: About Partners
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: contact.us
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /contact.us
      title: Contact Us
      url: ''
    text: We are currently operational in Lahore and Islamabad only.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.rizq
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.rizq
      title: About Rizq
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.team
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.team
      title: About Team
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.founders
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.founders
      title: About Founders
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.operation
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.operation
      title: Operational Cities
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: contact.us
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /contact.us
      title: Contact Us
      url: ''
    text: 'You can view our partners and donors in making a #HungerFreePakistan by
      clicking this link http://www.sharerizq.com/en/new-partner. Besides this, anyone
      from home or abroad can donate to Rizq.'
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.team
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.team
      title: About Team
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.founders
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.founders
      title: About Founders
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.partners
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.partners
      title: About Partners
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.operation
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.operation
      title: Operational Cities
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: contact.us
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /contact.us
      title: Contact Us
      url: ''
    text: "Rizq is an NGO founded with the mission to eliminate hunger worldwide.\
      \ Despite adequate resources, Pakistan has striking poverty and hunger levels.\
      \ To fix this,   it runs four programs:\n1) Rizq Bachao\n2) Rizq School Lunch\n\
      3) Rizq Daig \n4) Rizq Ration\nFor more details you may contact us 0311 1107497,\
      \ email at info@sharerzq.com or visit our website www.sharerizq.com. Have a\
      \ nice day!"
  - custom:
    - buttons:
      - entity_value: []
        intent: bachao.donate
        payload: /bachao.donate
        title: Donate to Bachao
        url: ''
      click_url: http://www.sharerizq.com/en/rizq-bachao
      image_name: 1589276069_23416515_615705765266418_2583731134181408768_n.jpg
      subtitle: "Don\u2019t let your food goto waste. Call us to share food0311-110\
        \ 7497"
      title: Rizq Bachao
    - buttons:
      - entity_value: []
        intent: lunch.donate
        payload: /lunch.donate
        title: Donate Lunch
        url: ''
      click_url: http://www.sharerizq.com/en/lunch-box
      image_name: 1589276211_23507567_1952884678262495_2080001955068903424_n.jpg
      subtitle: Feed under-privileged school kids.To know more, call us! 0311-110
      title: Rizq School Lunch
    - buttons:
      - entity_value: []
        intent: daig.donate
        payload: /daig.donate
        title: Donate Daig
        url: ''
      click_url: http://www.sharerizq.com/en/services-daig
      image_name: 1589276409_70468237_132991008068900_8053892047670401698_n.jpg
      subtitle: Chicken Biryani serving 70 people! Donate now.
      title: Rizq Daig
    - buttons:
      - entity_value: []
        intent: ration.donate
        payload: /ration.donate
        title: Donate Ration
        url: ''
      click_url: http://www.sharerizq.com/en/rizq-ration
      image_name: 1589276409_95135804_108850854001901_6273763073859993383_n(1).jpg
      subtitle: Support a family of 6 for a month! Donate Rs3500 now.
      title: Rizq Ration
    text: 'You may contribute cash donations or donate using the following services:'
  - text: 'You may visit our social media pages by clicking the following links:


      Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rizq.Sharefood/

      Twitter: https://twitter.com/rizq_sharefood'
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.rizq
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.rizq
      title: About Rizq
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.founders
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.founders
      title: About Founders
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.founders
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.founders
      title: About Partners
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.operation
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.operation
      title: Operational Cities
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: contact.us
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /contact.us
      title: Conatct Us
      url: ''
    text: Rizq's team consists of permanent members and advisors. You may follow this
      link to find more details on our team members http://www.sharerizq.com/en/rizq-team.
  - text: Great!
  - text: All right!
  - text: Good!
  - text: I must be missing some knowledge. I'll have my developer look into this.
  - text: I can improve with continuous feedback. My training is ongoing.
  - text: I'll certainly try my best.
  - text: Sure. I'd be happy to. What's up?
  - text: I'm glad to help. What can I do for you?
  - text: That's me. I chat, therefore I am.
  - text: Indeed I am. I'll be here whenever you need me.
  - text: I'm glad you think so.
  - text: Thanks, I try.
  - text: I am happy. There are so many interesting things to see and do out there.
  - text: I'd like to think so.
  - text: Happiness is relative.
  - text: Yes.
  - text: Of course.
  - text: Positive.
  - text: Conside me as your friend, i can help you engage in a great conversation.
  - text: I am your digital assistant
  - text: Consider me your digital assistant
  - text: I'm sorry. Please let me know if I can help in some way.
  - text: I must be missing some knowledge. I'll have my developer look into this.
  - text: I know, right?
  - text: Agreed!
  - text: I agree!
  - text: Glad you think so!
  - text: Anytime. That's what I'm here for.
  - text: It's my pleasure to help.
  - text: You're so polite!
  - text: Nice manners!
  - text: You're so courteous!
  - text: Please enter your address.
  - text: Please enter the beneficiary's CNIC number.
  - text: Please enter the beneficiary's family members
  - text: Please enter the name of the beneficiary.
  - text: Please enter the beneficiary's phone number.
  - text: Kindly rephrase it again?
  - text: Our customer care team will contact you on this. Is there anything else,
      I can help you with?
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: bachao.process
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /bachao.process
      title: Process
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: bachao.terms_and_conditions
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /bachao.terms_and_conditions
      title: Terms and Conditions
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    text: Rizq bachao allows you to donate excess food leftovers that can serve over
      10 people, reach out to us at 0311-110 7497.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: bachao.terms_and_conditions
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /bachao.terms_and_conditions
      title: Terms & Conditions
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: bachao.donate
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /bachao.donate
      title: Donate Food
      url: ''
    text: If you have excess food leftovers, reach out to us at 0311-110 7497. Our
      pickup vehicles will collect food for distribution. Food is then brought to
      our RizqBanks where it is rechecked, sorted and packaged for distribution. Our
      Rizqshaw or logistics partners will arrive at the provided address for food
      pickup. Once it is done, we will notify the donor when their food is distributed
      via messages and pictures.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: bachao.process
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /bachao.process
      title: Process
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: bachao.donate
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /bachao.donate
      title: Donate Food
      url: ''
    text: "For our Bachao Service:\n1) Food needs to be properly sorted and packaged\
      \ by the donor for pickup. \n2) Food unfit for consumption will not be picked\
      \ up. \n3)All pickups will be done within 90 minutes of donor notifying us.\
      \ \n4)Fee per pickup is 250 PKR.\n5) Our pickup vehicles\u2019 sole responsibility\
      \ is food collection; they will not be conducting any other transactions. \n\
      6) Minimum quantity of food for pickup is for 10 people. Also, this service\
      \ is currently only available in Lahore and Islamabad."
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.register
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.register
      title: Register as Beneficiary
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.status
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.status
      title: Beneficiary Status
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.reference
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.reference
      title: Beneficiary Reference
      url: ''
    text: If you got registered for our Ration service and didn't receive it, please
      call Rizq's helpline +92 42 366-100-41.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.register
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.register
      title: Register as Beneficiary
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.status
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.status
      title: Beneficiary Status
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.ration
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.ration
      title: Ration Complaint
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.verification
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.verification
      title: Verification Process
      url: ''
    text: 'Kindly email the following information at info@sharerzq.com:

      - Full Name of the beneficiary

      - Contact number of the beneficiary

      - CNIC number of the beneficiary

      - Complete address of the beneficiary

      The concerned department will take the necessary steps.'
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.status
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.status
      title: Beneficiary Status
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.reference
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.reference
      title: Refer a Beneficiary
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.ration
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.ration
      title: Ration Complaint
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.verification
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.verification
      title: Verification Process
      url: ''
    text: Sorry for the inconvenience but currently our applications for taking new
      beneficiaries are closed.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.register
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.register
      title: Register as Beneficiary
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.reference
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.reference
      title: Refer a Beneficiary
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.ration
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.ration
      title: Ration Complaint
      url: ''
    text: We will get back to you shortly after.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.register
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.register
      title: Register as Beneficiary
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.reference
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.reference
      title: Refer a Beneficiary
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.ration
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.ration
      title: Ration Complaint
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.status
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.status
      title: Beneficiary Status
      url: ''
    text: Rizq identifies deserving people through its verification team and on-ground
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    text: We are very sorry for the inconvenience. Kindly call us on our helpline
      0311-1107497 (between 9a.m to 9p.m).
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    text: You can WhatsApp us at +92 42 366-100-4 OR email us your inquiry at Info@sharerizq.com
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.rizq
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.rizq
      title: About Rizq
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.team
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.team
      title: About Team
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.founders
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.founders
      title: About Founders
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.partners
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.partners
      title: About Partners
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.operation
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.operation
      title: Operational Cities
      url: ''
    text: "For all your queries, write to us on info@sharerzq.com. \nYou may call\
      \ us at 0311-1107497 or visit our website www.sharerizq.com. \nOffice Address:\
      \ 40 - Commercial Area Cavalry Ground, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. \nYou may call\
      \ at +92 42 366-100-41 before visiting."
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.terms_and_conditions
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.terms_and_conditions
      title: Terms And Conditions
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.total_recipients
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.total_recipients
      title: Daig Recipients
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.items
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.items
      title: Daig Items
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.donate
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.donate
      title: How to Donate Daig
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.process
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.process
      title: Daig Distribution
      url: ''
    text: Each Rizq-Daig costs Rs7000 and it can feed approximately 70 people.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.total_recipients
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.total_recipients
      title: Daig Recipients
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.items
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.items
      title: Daig Items
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.donate
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.donate
      title: How to Donate Daig
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.terms_and_conditions
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.terms_and_conditions
      title: Terms & Conditions
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.cost
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.cost
      title: Cost of One Daig
      url: ''
    text: Donors can book a Daig for distribution amongst needy communities via our
      website. Food is prepared by the Rizq team using high quality ingredients and
      a dash of love.The prepared food is collected and delivered to our food banks,
      where it is distributed to our target community. We notify the donor when their
      daig is distributed via messages and pictures.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.total_recipients
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.total_recipients
      title: Daig Recipients
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.items
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.items
      title: Daig Items
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.distribution_process
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.distribution_process
      title: Daig Distribution
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.terms_and_conditions
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.terms_and_conditions
      title: Terms & Conditions
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.cost
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.cost
      title: Cost of One Daig
      url: ''
    text: Our Daig Distribution service will allow you to feed 70 needy people at
      one time. To donate Daigs, you can follow our web portal link http://www.sharerizq.com/en/services-daig
      and select the number of Rizq-Daigs you wish to donate. You can pay using Credit/Debit
      cards, Easypay or Paypal. Alternatively, you may use Bank Transfer/Deposit or
      our Cash Collection service.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.terms_and_conditions
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.terms_and_conditions
      title: Terms & Conditions
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.donate
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.donate
      title: How to Donate Daig
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.distribution_process
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.distribution_process
      title: Daig Distribution
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.cost
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.cost
      title: Cost of One Daig
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.total_recipients
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.total_recipients
      title: Daig Recipients
      url: ''
    text: Each Rizq-Daig contains Biryani made from 10kg chicken and 10kg rice. It
      can feed approximately 70 people.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.total_recipients
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.total_recipients
      title: Daig Recipients
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.items
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.items
      title: Daig Items
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.donate
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.donate
      title: How to Donate Daig
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.distribution_process
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.distribution_process
      title: Daig Distribution
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.cost
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.cost
      title: Cost of One Daig
      url: ''
    text: All daigs will be distributed within 2 days of receiving the payment for
      the daig. For transparency purposes we provide pictures of distribution to our
      donors, however, sometimes due to concerns relating to beneficiary family privacy
      we might not be able to do so.You can contact us at order@sharerizq.com or at
      0310-1107497 to inquire about your order daily from 10 am to 6pm.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.terms_and_conditions
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.terms_and_conditions
      title: Terms & Conditions
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.items
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.items
      title: Daig Items
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.donate
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.donate
      title: How to Donate Daig
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.distribution_process
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.distribution_process
      title: Daig Distribution
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: daig.cost
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /daig.cost
      title: Cost of One Daig
      url: ''
    text: Each Rizq-Daig feeds 70 people instantly.
  - text: Oh Its seems like I did not get that. Please try again or you can call at
      our UAN 111 456 789
  - text: All right!
  - text: Sure.
  - text: Sorry if I understood you incorrectly.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.services
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.services
      title: Services/Programs
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.donating
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.donating
      title: How to Donate
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.zakat
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.zakat
      title: Zakat
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.different
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.different
      title: Donation Types
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.proof
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.proof
      title: Donation Proof
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.confirmation
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.confirmation
      title: Donation Confirmation
      url: ''
    text: 'You may employ our TCS collection service and send general donations alongside
      donations for Daigs, Ration or School Lunch. This service is currently available
      in Pakistan only and has no upper limit for donating. You can donate by clicking
      this link: http://www.sharerizq.com/en/donate.'
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.services
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.services
      title: Services/Programs
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.donating
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.donating
      title: How to Donate
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.zakat
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.zakat
      title: Zakat
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.cash_collection
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.cash_collection
      title: Cash Collection
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.proof
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.proof
      title: Donation Proof
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.confirmation
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.confirmation
      title: Donation Confirmation
      url: ''
    text: To change your payment method, you need to wait for the confirmation call
      from our customer service representative. Then you can tell him/her on changing
      your payment method.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.services
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.services
      title: Services/Programs
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.cash_collection
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.cash_collection
      title: Cash Collection
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.zakat
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.zakat
      title: Zakat
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.different
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.different
      title: Donation Types
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.donating
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.donating
      title: How to Donate
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.proof
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.proof
      title: Donation Proof
      url: ''
    text: To confirm your payment, please send a screenshot of your transaction to
      order@sharerizq.com. After this you will receive an email confirmation about
      your payment being received by Rizq.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.services
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.services
      title: Services/Programs
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.donating
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.donating
      title: How to Donate
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.zakat
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.zakat
      title: Zakat
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.cash_collection
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.cash_collection
      title: Cash Collection
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.proof
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.proof
      title: Donation Proof
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.confirmation
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.confirmation
      title: Donation Confirmation
      url: ''
    text: Currently, we only accept donations in food and cash.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.services
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.services
      title: Services/Programs
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.donating
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.donating
      title: How to Donate
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.cash_collection
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.cash_collection
      title: Cash Collection
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.zakat
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.zakat
      title: Zakat
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.different
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.different
      title: Donation Types
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.confirmation
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.confirmation
      title: Donation Confirmation
      url: ''
    text: We provide a proof of the donations given to us through our social media
      pages. Head over to our Facebook and Instagram page to know how and when your
      donations have been used to combat hunger.
  - buttons:
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      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.services
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.services
      title: Services/Programs
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.cash_collection
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.cash_collection
      title: Cash Collection
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.proof
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.proof
      title: Donation Proof
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.different
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.different
      title: Donation Types
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: donation.confirmation
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /donation.confirmation
      title: Donation Confirmation
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.donating
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.donating
      title: How to Donate
      url: ''
    text: Yes, you can donate Zakat, Fidiya or Sadaqa to Rizq. Write whatever you
      are donating in the Referral code during checkout.
  - text: I'm sorry, can I help you?
  - text: :)
  - text: I'm sorry, can I help you?
  - text: InshaAllah!
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.services
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.services
      title: Services/Programs
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.rizq
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.rizq
      title: About Rizq
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.donating
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.donating
      title: How to Donate
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: volunteer.join
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /volunteer.join
      title: Volunteer
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.register
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.register
      title: Register Beneficiary
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: job.apply
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /job.apply
      title: Job Application
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: contact.us
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /contact.us
      title: Contact Us
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: complaints.donation
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /complaints.donation
      title: Complaints
      url: ''
    text: 'Greetings!

      Thanks for getting in touch with Rizq. You can ask any question OR click on
      the buttons below for the required assistance:'
  - text: Allah Hafiz!
  - text: See you soon!
  - text: Bye-bye!
  - text: Till next time!
  - text: Bye.
  - text: :)
  - text: How are you this morning?
  - text: How's the morning treating you so far?
  - text: Good morning! How are you today?
  - text: Hi there, friend!
  - text: Hi!
  - text: Hey!
  - text: Hey there!
  - text: Good day!
  - text: Hello!
  - text: Greetings!
  - text: Doing great, thank you!
  - text: I'm doing very well. Thank you!
  - text: Wonderful! Thank you for asking.
  - text: JazakAllah!
  - text: JazakAllah!
  - text: The pleasure is mine.
  - text: Nice meeting you as well.
  - text: Likewise!
  - text: It's nice meeting you too.
  - text: Likewise!
  - text: So glad we meet again!
  - text: Same here. I was starting to miss you.
  - text: It sure was. We can chat again anytime.
  - text: I enjoy talking to you, too.
  - text: You know I'm here to talk anytime.
  - text: Walaikum Assalam!
  - text: Not a whole lot. What's going on with you?
  - text: Not much. What's new with you?
  - text: You know, just here, waiting to help someone.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      is_quick_reply: true
      title: ''
      url: ''
    text: Sorry, currently we do not have any job openings.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: lunch.donors
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /lunch.donors
      title: Updating Donors
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: lunch.process
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /lunch.process
      title: Process
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    text: Call us at 0311-110 7497 to know more or to adopt a school in order to provide
      them with lunch boxes (lunch box cost is Rs.100/per box).
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: lunch.donate
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /lunch.donate
      title: How to Donate Lunch
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: lunch.process
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /lunch.process
      title: Process
      url: ''
    text: Reports are given on a monthly basis to the donors detailing the impact
      their meals have had.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: lunch.donate
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /lunch.donate
      title: How to Donate Lunch
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: lunch.donors
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /lunch.donors
      title: Updating Donor
      url: ''
    text: Our School Lunch service allows people to donate lunch boxes to students.
      We adopt under-privileged government & private schools to provide their students
      with nutritious lunches. Baseline surveys for all children are conducted to
      find general nutritional deficiencies, so we can make tailor-made meal plans.
      We prepare highly nutritious lunches for the children. Donors are notified when
      school lunches are distributed. To know more or adopt a school, call 0311-110
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.rizq
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.rizq
      title: About Rizq
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.services
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.services
      title: Services/Programs
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.donating
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.donating
      title: How to Donate
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: volunteer.join
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /volunteer.join
      title: Volunteer
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.register
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.register
      title: Register Beneficiary
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: job.apply
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /job.apply
      title: Job Application
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: contact.us
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /contact.us
      title: Contact Us
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: complaints.donation
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /complaints.donation
      title: Complaints
      url: ''
    text: 'You can ask any question OR click on the buttons below for the required
  - text: Kindly contact our team on this phone number +92 42 366-100-41 to have this
      query answered.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.terms_&_conditions
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.terms_&_conditions
      title: Terms and Conditions
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.rizqbanks
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.rizqbanks
      title: Rizq-Food Banks
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.process
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.process
      title: Rizq-Ration Service
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.items
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.items
      title: Rizq-Ration Box Items
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.donate
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.donate
      title: Donate Ration Boz
      url: ''
    text: The Rizq-Ration box for a family of 6 people costs Rs3500.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.terms_&_conditions
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.terms_&_conditions
      title: Terms & Conditions
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.rizqbanks
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.rizqbanks
      title: Rizq-Food Banks
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.process
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.process
      title: Rizq-Ration Service
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.items
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.items
      title: Rizq-Ration Box Items
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.cost
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.cost
      title: Cost of Ration Box
      url: ''
    text: To donate Ration, you can follow our web portal link http://www.sharerizq.com/en/rizq-ration
      and select the number of Rizq-Ration boxes you wish to donate. You can pay using
      Credit/Debit cards, Easypay or Paypal. Alternatively, you may use Bank Transfer/Deposit
      or our Cash Collection service.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.terms_&_conditions
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.terms_&_conditions
      title: Terms & Conditions
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.rizqbanks
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.rizqbanks
      title: Rizq-Food Banks
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.process
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.process
      title: Rizq-Ration Service
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.donate
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.donate
      title: Donate Ration Box
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.cost
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.cost
      title: Cost of Ration Box
      url: ''
    text: Each Rizq-Ration box contains 20kg flour, 5kg rice, 5 pulses, 3 litres oil
      alongside tea and dates. Therefore, 1 box supports a family of 6 people for
      a month.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.terms_&_conditions
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.terms_&_conditions
      title: Terms & Conditions
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.rizqbanks
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.rizqbanks
      title: Rizq-Food Banks
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.items
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.items
      title: Rizq- Ration Box Item
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.donate
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.donate
      title: Donate Ration Box
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.cost
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.cost
      title: Cost of Ration Box
      url: ''
    text: Our Rizq-Ration service allows individuals to donate Ration Boxes that can
      feed a family of 6 for a month. To this end, we establish RizqBanks in underprivileged
      areas and open applications for food assistance. Following this, our team assesses
      applicants' households. Approved families receive food assistance for 3 months.
      Once distribution takes place, donors are notified that their rations have been
      distributed to Rizq families via messages and photos.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.rizqbanks
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.rizqbanks
      title: Terms & Conditions
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.process
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.process
      title: Rizq- Ration Service
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.items
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.items
      title: Rizq-Ration Box Items
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.donate
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.donate
      title: Donate Ration Box
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.cost
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.cost
      title: Cost of Ration-Box
      url: ''
    text: "RizqBanks are established in underprivileged communities in order to open\
      \ applications for food assistance. The Rizq team assesses these locations and\
      \ its applicants before food distributions. We have our foodbanks in Lahore\
      \ and Islamabad. \nIn Lahore, the foodbanks are located in Sultan Park and Raiwind.In\
      \ Islamabad, they are located in Muslim Colony and Miskeen Colony."
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.rizqbanks
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.rizqbanks
      title: Rizq-FoodBanks
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.process
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.process
      title: Rizq-Ration Service
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.items
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.items
      title: Rizq-Ration Box Items
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.donate
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.donate
      title: Donate Ration Box
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: ration.cost
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /ration.cost
      title: Cost of Ration Box
      url: ''
    text: "Ration distributions take place in 2 batches, on the 1st and the 15th of\
      \ each month. Payments of orders received between 12th and 27th will be distributed\
      \ on the 1st and payments between the 27th of one month to the 12th will be\
      \ distributed on the 15th. \nFor transparency purposes we provide pictures of\
      \ distribution to our donors, however, sometimes due to concerns relating to\
      \ beneficiary family privacy we might not be able to do so.\nYou can contact\
      \ us at order@sharerizq.com or at 0310-1107497 to inquire about your order daily\
      \ from 10 am to 6pm."
  - text: I am still unable to understand you, please call at our UAN 111 456 789,
      so that our agent can help you.
  - text: Good to have you here. What can I do for you?
  - text: What can I do for you today?
  - text: Welcome back! What can I do for you?
  - text: Boredom, huh? Have you ever seen a hedgehog taking a bath?
  - text: What to do against boredom? Watch baby animal videos or GIFs.
  - text: Bored? How about 10 jumping jacks? Get your blood flowing.
  - text: 'Bored? Silly idea, but it works: Interview you feet.'
  - text: If you're bored, you could plan your dream vacation.
  - text: Okay. I'll let you get back to work.
  - text: I won't distract you then. You know where to find me.
  - text: I understand. I'll be here if you need me.
  - text: Working hard as always. Let me know if you need anything.
  - text: Sure. Please take your time!
  - text: Pardon me, what would you like to know?
  - text: Sleep tight. Hope to chat again soon.
  - text: Pleasant dreams!
  - text: Good night. Talk to you later.
  - text: Sounds good. Maybe we'll chat some tomorrow.
  - text: Great! Glad to hear it.
  - text: Excellent. I'm here to help keep it that way.
  - text: Hey, happiness is contagious.
  - text: Great! Glad to hear that.
  - text: If you're happy, then I'm happy.
  - text: Excellent! That's what I like to see.
  - text: Yes, I'm just responding to your question.
  - text: Ask right away! I'm here to assist you.
  - text: I appreciate your patience.  Hopefully I'll have what you need soon.
  - text: Please try again, re-enter the family names.
  - text: The given phone number is invalid, please try again.
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: menu.main_message
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /menu.main_message
      title: Main Menu
      url: ''
    text: To refer new places for distributions, please reach out to us by calling
      us at +92 42 366-100-41 or emailing at Info@sharerizq.com. Also, drop your name,
      phone number and area you're suggesting in your email.
  - custom:
    - buttons: []
      click_url: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_fAQo1mA3EP7Im-OjBuEBRTBPwZp_fvRxiBC01o9fv6FKSA/viewform
      image_name: 1589316125_supportus_becomeapartner.jpg
      subtitle: 'Become a member of  #HungerFreePakistan movement. Click the URL to
      title: Become a Partner
    - buttons: []
      click_url: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdAi1-bIzhMEIXmFxK4DTV6tH3PptJ2msHJhFyOwyTWBmjuvQ/viewform
      image_name: 1589316125_volunteer.jpeg
      subtitle: '#EhsaasKaro- Rizq Karkun Up Form will allow you to mitigate the impacts
        of corona'
      title: Become a Volunteer
    - buttons: []
      click_url: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSedBIMcILRGyaQqAQiS0AFnRj40uA1IXYeuMObpahVce6fBbQ/viewform
      image_name: 1589316125_food-drive-bank-thanksgiving-christmas-holiday-donation_53562-8822.jpg
      subtitle: Have excess food? Become a regular supplier and assist the needy.
      title: Become a Food Supplier
    - buttons: []
      click_url: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSegG6lHfuCZftFebqRb6NqczVmD4oZ6HXOx-BNCU1rU9F5woA/viewform
      image_name: 1589316635_ngo.jpeg
      subtitle: Create online awareness on hunger or become a distributor for us to
        the needy!
      title: NGO-Community Organization Signup
    - buttons: []
      click_url: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeFOhSjq9ZEuAiY1d6O78Qy-gE25D4tnV3H8mP0ge21uDjTlA/viewform
      image_name: 1589316635_organize2.jpg
      subtitle: Register your educational institute with us to end hunger.
      title: Campus Signup
    text: 'You can become a part of our people powered movement to end hunger in a
      variety of forms.

      You can ask any other question OR just type " Main Menu" to get more options.'
  - buttons:
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.services
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.services
      title: Services/Programs
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.rizq
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.rizq
      title: About Rizq
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: about.donating
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /about.donating
      title: How to Donate
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: volunteer.join
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /volunteer.join
      title: Volunteer
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: beneficiary.register
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /beneficiary.register
      title: Register Beneficiary
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: job.apply
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /job.apply
      title: Job Application
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: contact.us
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /contact.us
      title: Contact Us
      url: ''
    - entity_value: []
      intent: complaints.donation
      is_quick_reply: true
      payload: /complaints.donation
      title: Complaints
      url: ''
    text: 'Greetings!

      Thanks for getting in touch with Rizq. You can ask any question OR click on
      the buttons below for the required assistance:'

And when i removed the the 2 responses shown in the error logs from the domain, the command ran successfully.
Hint: both responses use custom key


1 Like

Hey, could you format the logs in a more readable format with ```, as well as your domain?

is it fine now?

i think you removed some of the error trace now, can you add it back in? Also, the domain.yml file that you’ve included here, is this the original one you were using in version 1.x?

kindly check now and yes the domain is the original i am using with rasa==1.x

Hi @akelad , any updates? Thanks

Hey @noman sorry for taking a while to get back to you - we didn’t have validation of the domain in version 1.x before, that’s why no warning was ever raised. We only support maps for the custom key now (see code here) - for your use case you could solve it with something like "custom": {"my_list": [….]}

1 Like

Its totally fine @akelad . Thanks i will try and let you know

1 Like

@akelad @Tanja @Ghostvv @souvikg10

While using migration command rasa data convert config, i am getting the following error message. At the end it says “Here are the errors found during validation”, but shows nothing.

YamlValidationException: Failed to validate '/home/akshay/.virtualenvs/convai/rasa/domain.yml'. Please make sure the file is correct and all mandatory parameters are specified. Here are the errors found during validation

YAML validator also shows no issues in the domain.yml file.

can you please assist as to why am i getting this error?


I am trying to update now, and I am facing the same error, any news on that ?
