Which IDE / code editor/ Interface are they using in masterclass videos?

I am on windows 10 and was trying to open nlu.yml (yes nlu and stories both files are appearing with yml instead of md) and while trying to open, system does not recognize app to open such files. But i am able to open it with notepad. but thats not the right way. I see rasa masterclass… they are using some interface to open edit access files. which ide / interfac eare they using? and which one should i use for windows 10?

Thanks and Regards Pooja

Not exactly sure from the vids I saw… but when we did some workshops with the rasa team they were using Visual Studio Code which was pretty nice.

Some people like their shell and text editors all separate but Visual Studio Code is all in one so pretty easy to navigate the folders etc, and helps managing different shells open at once (managing action server, rasa os, rasa x)

I’ve tried many combinations, but I guess it comes down to preference based on your flow.

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Microsoft Visual Code it was.