When does a story end?


I think I misunderstood something about stories, is it possible to explain how the chatbot recognize the end of one story and is able to start another one if the same client wants to discuss about another topic with the chatbot ?

Thank you in advance for your answers :slight_smile:


Let’s start from a simple example.

Scenario 1:

stories.md file contains following:

## story 01
* greet
  - utter_greet

Conversation goes like this:

  • User: Hello!
  • Bot: Hi there!

Scenario 2:

stories.md file contains following:

## story 01
* greet
  - utter_greet
  - utter_askHowYouDoing

## story 02
* happy
  - utter_happy

## story 03
* sad
  - utter_sad

# story 04
* askWeather 
  - custom_action_getWeather

## story 05
* greet
  - utter_greet
  - utter_askHowYouDoing
* happy
  - utter_happy

## story 06
* greet
  - utter_greet
  - utter_askHowYouDoing
* sad
  - utter_sad

Conversation goes like this:

  • User: Hello!
  • Bot: Hi!
  • Bot: How are you doing?
  • User: I want to know current weather
  • Bot: Currently it’s snowing, Tempature: -2°C

Scenario 2 explained:

Bot knows that if user says hello(greet) it says hi(utter_greet) and asks “How are you doing?”.

The bot expects to get an answer to the question, but it doesn’t. User suddenly asks about weather and bot knows how to answer that so it jumps to the right story.

I hope that this helps even a little bit to understand this better.


Hi @k1m,

Thanks a lot for this answer, I think i understand better the behaviour of the bot now :slight_smile: