What is appropriate version of rasa-x which compatible to rasa version1.7.0?


I want to install the fitable version of rasa-x, which suit on rasa==1.7.0.

Because of my cloud storage size is kinda small,

I should have to know the specific version of rasa-x (which suit on rasa version 1.7.0) , and the way to install this.

When I try to install rasa-x latest version, the version of rasa automatically upgraded,

but I have to fix my rasa and rasa sdk version as 1.7.0

I try below commands, But those are not work.

  • pip install rasa-x --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple
  • sudo python3 -m pip install -U rasa-x --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple/rasa-x/rasa-x-0.21.3.tar.gz
  • pip install -Iv rasa-x==0.19.0 --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com --no-cache-dir

Also, I mix some components for make the suitable requirements.txt which have rasa==1.7.0 and rasa-x (compatible with rasa==1.7.0)

First I make one virtual environment and install only rasa-x using the command, pip install rasa-x --extra-index-url https://pypi.rasa.com/simple

And then make a requirements.txt file , and then compare with my original requirements.txt (the version of rasa is 1.7.0 , and no rasa-x).

Then put some element that are absent to original requirements.txt file.

But it also doesn’t work unfortunately …

So please give me any advise, and any comments would be so grateful

Thank you.


The compatible Rasa X version is 0.25.2.

I recommend that you use the Quick Install Docker Compose installation approach.

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Thanks @Arjaan for your answer! I’ll try later and get back to you :slightly_smiling_face: