Issue Related to Rasa X (latest version installed)

Hello @nik202 i had followed the same steps which you posted in the other post. I had downloaded the Microsoft visual studio installer also , as mentioned in the error which pop up after we try to install the Rasa X.

Rasa Version.


after trying to excute rasa x

after trying to install rasa X through pip getting this error

Please guide me how to resolve this issue. Thanks.

@Ravi13 Are you trying to install which rasa x version asper rasa --version there is not rasa version mentioned.

Hello @nik202 ,

I was trying to rasa-x==1.0 as per the compatibility.

Even now i have changed the system and I am on ubuntu 20 in that my Rasa version == 2.8.0 Rasa sdk version == 2.8.4

and i am try to install Rasa X with the below command pip3 install rasa-x==1.0 --extra-index-url Simple Index

Can you Please guide me the complete steps to install both Rasa and Rasa X in a complete one go. it will be really greatly for me

@Ravi13 omg man :exploding_head::exploding_head: Rasa X 1.0 will not be installed on the local machine and it mentioned on the Rasa doc, it’s meant to be installed on server-side only, do you have a server.

Alternative only Rasa X 0.39.3 is the available solution which will work on the local machines with Rasa 2.X only. If you like I can guide you on this, please.


Rasa X (1.X) latest is yet not compatible with Rasa 3. X

Really Thanks @nik202 for this valuable information :grinning: , Yes please guide me installing it on local machine.

@Ravi13 Have you saw my thread I had shared with you? Rasa X runs with several Errors & Warnings - #7 by vio_lovis

share me rasa --version again please?

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rasa --version image

@nik202 I want to install rasa on ubuntu so should i follow the same steps.


Valuable links and resources for your reference

  1. RasaMasterclass
  2. Conversational AI with Rasa - Video Series [Latest]
  3. Rasa for Beginners
  4. Rasa Certification Workshop
  5. Rasa Advanced Custom Actions, Forms, & Responses Workshop No-longer accepting enrolment
  6. Rasa Advanced Deployment Workshop
  7. Rasa Youtube Channel Please subscribe and hit the bell icon for notification.
  8. Rasa Github Mini Project
  9. Rasa Masterclass Handbook
  10. Hardcopy Book : Conversational AI with Rasa

I hope these links will help you to learn Rasa!

@nik You are one of the best person ,I have ever seen the way you help others and try to solve the issues within time is really superb. :grinning: Thank you once again !!!

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@Ravi13 Thanks a lot for the kind words Ravi and my best wishes are always with you, good luck with your project.