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Hi @JiteshGaikwad can you please help me with the UI and connecting it with rasa NLU.

Hi @nikhilalanka how can I help you

Hi @JiteshGaikwad can you please give any reference like a link or video for designing UI for a chatbot and connecting the chatbot with rasa NLU.Actually i found the links and video in the previous conversation but it seems like they are not available.

hi @nikhilalanka you can get my cusom UI code here


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Thank you @JiteshGaikwad for the code,it helped me a lot,I almost completed it. url: β€˜http://localhost:5055/webhook’ this is my Rasa API,it’s showing (405)Method not allowed. Can you please help me with the connection of API and UI.

Hi @nikhilalanka you url should be this one did u tried this url

Rasa_CustomUI-v0.1/script.js at ef996845bf32b3960cbf4a7e47eee5b521b2ca7a Β· JiteshGaikwad/Rasa_CustomUI-v0.1 Β· GitHub

Hi @JiteshGaikwad I tried the link you gave,but my action_endpoint url indicates this: β€œhttp://localhost:5055/webhook” my port number is shown as β€œ5055” when i run action-server in command prompt during training.

hey @nikhilalanka check your .js file and put your url on there.

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hey @nikhilalanka the url should be


Thank you so much @JiteshGaikwad …yo I have completed this!!

Welcome @nikhilalanka glad to help.

Hi Friends, I am newbie here in this space and I am trying to figure out how can I host a very basic greeting chatbot using @JiteshGaikwad’s custom UI project as reference. As per the instructions on the read me file, I cloned the UI files and executed the required command. Now if on my browser I type in: http://localhost:5055 I see below output: Hello from Rasa: 1.0.6

What URL and other configuration changes are required to communicate with my Bot from the browser?

Note: The basic greeting bot works fine in local via command line ( rasa shell).

Thank you!!!

hey @Arunabh09 thanks for trying my custom UI. If you want test your bot, Start the Rasa server by using the command mentioned in the GitHub Repo and then you can open the index.html file in the browser and then you can test the bot. :smiley:

Hi Buddy,

Thanks for the quick and accurate response. I am now able to see the UI layout and getting response from the bot. Awesome work, thanks again.

Regards, AA

Welcome, Glad to help :slight_smile:

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Hi @JiteshGaikwad ,

Can you provide me working link because existing one is not working. I am trying to learn how to develope custom connector for custom ui.

hey @prashant_kamble can you please tell me which link you are talking about?

hi @JiteshGaikwad this is the link I am asking about Webchat

And also can you provide me sample run_app.py file that can execute all task like all in one script with all latest updates means package structures or import statements etc.? I am working on custom connector part hope to get help on that.