Trigger Action Based on Entity Values Not Just Intent

I want to trigger two different actions based on the extracted entity. For example, I might want to trigger a pizza_form if the extracted cuisine entity equals italian but a burger form for all other cuisines. I tried this story, but it’s not working. It will always do a pizza form.

## request_meal{"cuisine": "italian"}
    - pizza_form
    - form{"name": "pizza_form"}
    - form{"name": null"}
## request_meal
   - burger_form
   - form{"name": "burger_form"}
   - form{"name": null}

How do you fix this?

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Is there any solution for this? I am also looking for the same. Wants to trigger different forms based on entity or slot value

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Same issue here. I can’t give answers based on different entities (same intent):

  • intent: problem examples: |

  • story: Desktop issue steps:

    • intent: problem
      • product: “desktop”
    • action: utter_desktop_issue
  • story: Cooler issue steps:

    • intent: problem
      • product: “cooler”
    • action: utter_cooler_issue

Rasa extracts both entities but only gives the response from the first story (utter_desktop_issue), even when I ask “the cooler is not working”, for example…

Does anybody could help me?

Have you found any solution for this?

I’m dealing with the same situation. Is there any ideal solution for this in the latest versions of rasa?

Currently I’m running in :

Rasa Version : 2.8.17

Rasa SDK Version : 2.8.2

Python Version : 3.7.4