Entities in rasa stories not differentiating

Here are my stories:


- story: order pizza for pickup
  - intent: new_order
    - pickup_or_delivery: pickup
  - action: utter_pickup_pizza

- story: order pizza for delivery
  - intent: new_order
    - pickup_or_delivery: delivery
  - action: utter_deliver_pizza

And just in case, here is the config

language: en

   - name: "SpacyNLP"
     model: "en_core_web_md"
   - name: "SpacyTokenizer"
   - name: "SpacyFeaturizer"
   - name: RegexFeaturizer
   - name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
   - name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
   - name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
     analyzer: "char_wb"
     min_ngram: 1
     max_ngram: 4
   - name: DIETClassifier
     epochs: 100
   - name: EntitySynonymMapper
   - name: ResponseSelector
     epochs: 100

   - name: MemoizationPolicy
   - name: TEDPolicy
     max_history: 5
     epochs: 100
   - name: RulePolicy

However, when trained and I go to the shell, I cannot hit the utter_pickup_pizza action. The entity is correctly identified as pickup, but I can’t get the correct response. I assume I’m doing something wrong, can anybody point me in the right direction? Thanks.

I don’t get it my friend, when you try to launch a intent, this intent doesn’t detect in the shell?

The correct intent is detected, the correct entity value is identified. The wrong action happens.

how did you define your actions??

@UlisesVD, Thanks for helping me here. What I have defined for the responses are in the domain.yml


    - text: "Pickup Pizza Placeholder"

    - text: "Deliver Pizza Placeholder"

I have not defined any custom actions

Do you have a warning or error while you’re training? I think that your problem can be in the stories, because all looks great for me

check this great post to create correct stories:

other soluction in using forms:

check it out,

yeah. No errors in training. I was trying to make a minimal example before I went into forms, but if I can’t do that, I can’t do that.