Training the models in a newer version

Hey Guys, I recently upgraded my version of rasa to 1.6 I was trying to retrain the models using the “rasa train” command. I am getting the following error : ValueError: No response phrases found for “”. Check training data files for a possible wrong intent name in NLU/NLG file Please provide some guidance and help



Which version of Rasa Open Source did you use before? Can share your directory layout please?

rasa-core 0.12.4, rasa-core-sdk 0.12.1, rasa-nlu 0.13.8

These are the versions of the respective components.

The directory layout is as follows:


  • _ pycache_
  • data
  • models
  • config.yml
  • credentials.yml
  • domain.yml
  • endpoint.yml

I hope i have provided the information you asked for. Please provide a solution soon.


Hi @rishabhlingwal,

they seems to be a mismatch between your version numbers. In the initial post you’re saying that you’re using Rasa Open Source 1.6 and in the other post it’s the old Rasa Core and Rasa NLU libraries? Can you share the NLU file (just the headers starting with ## should be enough) with us? I think there is an error in there. It would also help to see the full error log if that’s possible :slight_smile:

The older packages are the ones i used to train the bot earlier. I upgraded to 1.6 and then tried to use the train command on the same bot folder whose layout i had given above.

Anyways, its fixed now. Thanks

Ok :+1: Can you please share the full error log? Thanks :pray:

Hi @rishabhlingwal. I’m facing the same issue. Could you tell me how to solve it?