Tests stories with custom actions and forms

Hello, I am trying to make some tests for my stories and custom actions. I don’t understand why rasa always predict either the action_default_fallback or the action_listen. In my project, I use actions instead of utters. But I don’t understand why I fall into action_default_fallback and actions_listen. I have looked in the rasa projects examples, but I do not understand. Could you please show me an example of test structure using forms and actions (instead of utter). I put you an example of my tests. Here is my code:


- story: Example of my happy path
  - user: |
    intent: greet_INTENT
  - action: utter_welcome_message
  - action: action_listen
  - user: |
      I want to eat at restaurant
    intent: inform_restaurant_INTENT
  - action: action_prepare_restaurant
  - slot_was_set:
      - location_SLOT: "New York"
  - action: action_listen

  - action: action_ask_restaurant_form_foodType_SLOT
  - slot_was_set:
      - foodType_number_times_asked_SLOT: 1.0
  - action: action_listen
  - user: |
      I want to eat [chinese food](chineseFood_ENTITY)
    intent: inform_foodType_INTENT

Hey Sina! I am working on creating test cases for my stories with custom actions and forms… I found this article that provides tiny examples of test-cases for stories with custom actions and forms (see: rasa/testing-your-assistant.mdx at main · RasaHQ/rasa · GitHub). I am using the same format suggested here (could be old :frowning:), but still not 100% accurate (my test stories pass the manual test and the convo flows as it should but I am getting action_fall_back predicted in the report.) Please take a look into this and let me know if this helps you with figuring out the right format.