Testing the chatbot


Whenever I test the chatbot with the ‘rasa test’ command, it cannot predict the actions correctly. However, I know that the actions work properly.

version: "2.0"
- story: Story from Conversation ID b6bcd207-b29f-443a-b922-9858ba0ec6e3 (./tests/test_stories.yml)
 - intent: greet
 - action: utter_greet_1
 - action: utter_greet_2
 - action: utter_greet_3
 - action: consent_form
 - active_loop: consent_form
 - slot_was_set:
   - requested_slot: consent
 - intent: consent_agree
 - action: action_consent  # predicted: action_default_fallback
 - action: user_type_form  # predicted: action_default_fallback
 - active_loop: user_type_form
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@zamaniali1995 can you share the output of rasa test what message you are getting?