Telegram bot doesn't respond (ngrok connection successful)

I have setup an ngrok connection it works

First time the bot responded to my input, but when i tried the second time it doesn’t respond to my input anymore

Any reason for that?

Another weird thing is

2024-12-04 13:34:50 DEBUG    aiogram  - Make request: "getMe" with data: "{}" and files "None"
2024-12-04 13:34:50 DEBUG    aiogram  - Response for getMe: [200] "'{"ok":true,"result":{"id":8144XXXXX,"is_bot":true,"first_name":"CENSORED","username":"CENSORED","can_join_groups":true,"can_read_all_group_messages":false,"supports_inline_queries":false,"can_connect_to_business":false,"has_main_web_app":false}}'"    
2024-12-04 13:34:50 DEBUG    rasa.core.channels.telegram  - Invalid access token, check it matches Telegram

The getme works, the webhook url is correct but somehow i got invalid access token