I have a slot named location of text type, and it stores the location send by the user.
I want the following feature :-
user : tell me the weather at london
bot : here is the weather report of london. (slot location = london)
user : what’s the weather at new york?
bot : here is the weather report of new york. (slot location = new york)
user : show me the weather in new delhi currently
bot : here is the weather report of new delhi (slot location = new delhi)
But my bot behave differently :-
user : tell me the weather at london
bot : here is the weather report of london. (slot location = london)
user : what’s the weather at new york?
bot : here is the weather report of london. (slot location = london)
user : show me the weather in new delhi currently
bot : here is the weather report of london. (slot location = london)
In short the slot location is never updated one’s it is set. How I can achieve the desired behaviour?