I’m working on a chatbot using Rasa and UI is based on the React-Based Chatroom provided by Scalable Minds GitHub - scalableminds/chatroom: React-based Chatroom Component for Rasa Stack .
As I am completely newbie to chatbot & React so I am facing some difficulties.
Chatbot has a functionality to show the number of projects on which an employee is working and by clicking on number of projects, it shows the details.
Currently chatbot shows standalone buttons & performs click operation by passing “buttons with payload” in utter_button_message.
Now, I have a requirement to show :
List of Employees in Table along with a Button which will display the No. of Projects he/she is working on.
Clicking on that button will display the Project Details.
By referring react-markdown documentation, In Message.js, I have set escapeHtml={false} and added support for “table” in case: “text”.
Now I can show table in the chat but I am unable to perform onClick() operation of button displayed in the table.
I’m using dispatcher.utter_message() method to pass the table, Now my problem is How & Where should I handle the onClick() events so that next conversation is triggered??
Any sample code or any blog link will be really helpful.