A survey of RASA web interfaces


Since I started developing chatbots with RASA, I’ve always had the same problem: the interface.

If you deploy your chatbot in a typical channel, like Facebook or Slack, the options are good and sufficient. But, when you want to deploy it on a custom web page, the available widgets won’t have all your requirements, probably. Because of this, I’ve searched many times for different web interfaces, and never found what I needed.

I’ve been thinking about writing a complete compilation with the different options (preferably open source) and opinions about each of them. I’m writing this post to compile all the ones you know about, so you can comment on them and know different opinions.

Below I leave those that I have tried and a small opinion:

  • Rasa Chat Widget: Your Own Website Basic but easy to start.
  • Chatbot Widget (JiteshGaikwad): GitHub - JiteshGaikwad/Chatbot-Widget Very complete, with different options like dropdowns or carousels. Javascript and CSS knowledge is needed to customize it, but it is a good starting point.

Another idea I have is to put those functionalities that we don’t find in these examples. In my case, I have always missed the possibility of showing multiple selectors.

I hope the post will be successful and I can make a good compilation. If so, I will leave the link in this thread!


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Hello Marco,

That’s a good suggestion! You might also consider including the ‘chatroom’ by Scalable Minds: GitHub - scalableminds/chatroom: React-based Chatroom Component for Rasa Stack. Although it’s no longer actively maintained, there’s a fork available that’s still functional: GitHub - weberi/chatroom: React-based Chatroom Component for Rasa Stack.

While it may not offer an extensive range of features, it’s very user-friendly, making it an good choice for beginners

Regards, Irene

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Thank you for the suggestion!! I’ll include it.

I’m also thinking of developing a basic example using Flet (Flutter but with Python).
