I am getting Something went wrong! when try to see a conversation I
This is not happening for all conversations but a particular conversation type where the human handover has been triggered due to multiple fallbacks.
The handover functionality is working fine so the bot does not have any issue, it’s only that we are unable to see a conversation when human handover takes place, even after the bot is resumed.
Any idea how to fix this, can I provide any specific information which will help us in resolving the issue. We are currently using rasa-x version 0.32.0 and rasa version 1.10.14
We have used the following logic in fallback action
# Human Handover on second fallback
if (
len(tracker.events) >= 5
and tracker.events[-5].get("name") == "action_default_fallback"
message = tracker.latest_message['text']
return [UserUtteranceReverted(),ActionExecuted("action_listen"), UserUttered(message, {
"intent": {"name": "human_handover", "confidence": 1.0},
"entities": {},
# Fallback caused by Core
return [UserUtteranceReverted()]
Whenever the human handover is triggered rasa-x gives the above message my assumption is that there is something wrong with the events I am sending in case of the handover but not sure what?