Rasa X - "Mark as Correct" not working


I am currently testing our bot with “real” users using Rasa X (docker-compose installation). There are several sentences in the NLU inbox which I want to evaluate. However, when I try to do so, marking them as correct does not move them to the actual NLU training data. I can add NLU data manually, which in turn can be added to Github.

The Nginx server shows the following output after I hit the “Mark Correct” button:

  • “POST /api/projects/default/data HTTP/1.1” 400 845
  • “GET /api/projects/default/git_repositories/1/status HTTP/1.1” 200 241
  • “PUT /api/users/me HTTP/1.1” 204 0

I also notice that when I try to manually add NLU inbox data to the NLU data the SAVE button disappears.

I am hoping someone can help me because manually adding everything takes up a lot more time than seems necessary.

I thank you in advance! :slight_smile:

Hi @fabrice-toussaint, sorry to hear you’re having issues!

First off, what’s your Rasa X version?

I also notice that when I try to manually add NLU inbox data to the NLU data the SAVE button disappears.

You’re definitely sure that the text you’re trying to add is not already in your training data, right?

Hey @erohmensing, thank you for your reply!

My Rasa X version is 0.32.2. Furthermore, I am 100% sure that the text is not available in my training data. I am quite confused about what is happening, so if you have any ideas, I am quite open to them :stuck_out_tongue:.

Again, thanks in advance!