Rasa X is not working on my Linux Ubuntu OS

Hi friends, I am new to RASA and RASA X and trying to install it for a week. Installed it many times but every time it gives an error that is shared in the images below. I need your kind help to fix this issue. In my laptop Ram in 4GB and free disk space is 50GB so meeting minimum requirements. Thank you

Welcome to the forum @Qaisar_Azeemi it’s a local machine or server?

Thank you nik. Its Local machine.

@Qaisar_Azeemi Alright. Few Pointers and you will be able to install on Ubuntu Machine.

Rasa X in the future will be deprecated may be in the coming weeks for the local machines, as it meant for servers only. Ref: Installation Guide

If you want to use Rasa X it will not be able to connect with Github as it only works on the Server installation.

Few pointers for you:

  1. Create a Fresh environment using Python 3.7 or 3.8.
  2. Activate the env
  3. Install Rasa Open source (if there are any dependencies please resolve or share with me)
  4. Try to install Rasa X 0.39.3 which is more stable.

You can Ref this thread for errors and solutions please only its based on Windows: Rasa X runs with several Errors & Warnings - #2 by nik202

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Okay let me do it. and let you know then.

@Qaisar_Azeemi always mentions me with @ nik202 ok?

@Qaisar_Azeemi If you can install anaconda in Ubuntu it will be great. Ref my above thread :slight_smile:

Today you will be able to install Rasa X :stuck_out_tongue:

Good Luck!

Thank you dear @nik202 :slight_smile: . Is it necessary to install Anaconda? i already have python 3.6.9 installed.

@Qaisar_Azeemi I’d recommend using python 3.7 or 3.8 (I’m using 3.8.8) as Rasa now does not support Python 3.6 for the Rasa Latest Versions, so it is better to move in advance.

Its personal preference as Anaconda is recommended in some of the installation processes and I have also seen the issues where developers not using Conda based environments and having issues.

Ref: https://rasa.com/docs/rasa/installation

Install Rasa Open Source using pip (requires Python 3.7, or 3.8).

Tips: Anaconda comes with Python 3.9 base (I guess) but when you create the conda environment using Python 3.8.8 it should be fine.

Good Luck!

Hi @nik202 ,

I installed anaconda and followed the steps you guided me above. conda installed python 3.9.7. The prooblem is still there. it is not running rasa even after installation… :frowning:

@Qaisar_Azeemi confirm with me please:

  1. Did you create python 3.8 conda env?
  2. Why do you only want to install 1.8.3 It is quite an old rasa version?

Any specific reason?

I have not guided you to create conda env 3.9.7 let me be clear on this, I suggested Install Anaconda and creating python env 3.8.3

  1. I installed Anaconda and it automatically installed python 3.9.7.
  2. i installed according to rasa document guidlines.

ok let me remove everything and reinstall again.

Please guide me to completely uninstal rasa from my machine because it has eaten arround 15GB of my disc space by installing and uninstalling the rasa again and again.

@Qaisar_Azeemi I guess you created the venv environment just delete that, and don’t delete anaconda and create again the conda environment using the thread I have shared with you.


@nik202 Alright… let me do that.

@Qaisar_Azeemi Thanks

@nik202 Thanks to you :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot dear @nik202 . Finally I installed rasa and rasa x using steps given in your thread

Thanks again for your kind guidence and help :slight_smile:

@Qaisar_Azeemi Great! Finally :slight_smile: Happy Learning Rasa!

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Hi @nik202 , i hope you are doing well. kindly guide me about adding github option to my rasa x screen. A branch icon that is seen above me at bottom left. secondly i want my bot to take data from user and store it somewhere inside it and then use it later on.

@Qaisar_Azeemi can you create the new thread for your issue, you can copy the same and tag me, as this is not related to the current topic. Thanks.