Rasa Webchat Carousel Example

Hi there! im trying to implement a custom card carousel for my webchat as I saw here but I cant find any documentation or examples to use as a guide.

I would like to know if it is possible to implement this using Rasa Webchat or this widget too and how can I achieve this.

And one last question, is it possible to ‘generate’ the carousel in a custom action via dispatcher.utter_message() ?

Thanks in advance!! :smile:


Sure, it works nice.

Yes, with a json message, it works perfectly.

@n2718281 Could you give an example code pls?

Sure you have a basic example here:

You have to convert it to yaml if you use it in your domain.

1 Like

Hi, can you please give short example? I tried to response the following json:

msg = {"attachment":{
          "subtitle":"We have the right hat for everyone.",
          "default_action": {
            "type": "web_url",
            "url": "https://petersfancybrownhats.com/view?item=103",
            "webview_height_ratio": "tall",
              "title":"View Website"
              "title":"Start Chatting",

with dispatcher.utter_message(text=’’, attachment=msg), but there is no output.

Thanks for your support!

You can use below from custom actions.

test_carousel = {
        "type": "template",
        "payload": {
            "template_type": "generic",
            "elements": [{
                "title": "Title",
                "subtitle": "Subtitle",
                "image_url": "/static/images/test.png",
                "buttons": [{
                    "title": "Link name",
                    "url": "http://link.url",
                    "type": "web_url"
                        "title": "postback name",
                        "type": "postback",
                        "payload": "/greet"
                    "title": "Title",
                    "subtitle": "Subtitle",
                    "image_url": "/static/images/test.png",
                    "buttons": [{
                        "title": "Link name",
                        "url": "http://link.url",
                        "type": "web_url"
                            "title": "postback name",
                            "type": "postback",
                            "payload": "/greet"

So to add a carousel, I only have to add this source code in actions.py? Or how ?

Yes , inside actions.py file , you can dispatch the above message from run method using dispatcher.utter_message(Carousel)

Thanks, it’s work

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@rakacendekia, @rahul_namdev Can you please share the domain and action complete code with respect to the carousel only, please…

@rakacendekia @sibbsnb Could you please send me a test code . I did the same but it shows no output. Thanks in advance

       test_carousel = {
            "type": "template",
            "payload": {
                "template_type": "generic",
                "elements": [{
                    "title": "sample text",
                    "subtitle": "",
                    "image_url": "/static/images/test.png",
                    "buttons": [ {
                            "title": "button title",
                            "type": "postback",
                            "payload": "/test_intent{\"choice_id\": 1}"

you can use above code for carousel

Hey I Put the code in my actions.py but its not working do i have to do something else?

Getting this error

Task exception was never retrieved future: <Task finished name=‘Task-2’ coro=<configure_app..run_cmdline_io() done, defined at c:\users\user\anaconda3\envs\medi\lib\site-packages\rasa\core\run.py:132> exception=TypeError(‘can only concatenate str (not “dict”) to str’)

hi @rahul_namdev when I add this code nothing showing in the output

Try this in your actions.py file

dispatcher.utter_message(attachment= {
        "type": "template",
        "payload": {
            "template_type": "generic",
             "dims": {
            "width": 200,
            "height": 200
            "elements": [{
                "title": "Title",
                "subtitle": "",
                "image_url": "img url",
                "dims": {
            "width": 50,
            "height": 50
                "buttons": [
                       "title": "title of the button",
                        "type": "postback",
                        "payload": "/{intent_name}"

                        "title": "title of the button",
                        "type": "postback",
                        "payload": "/{intent_name}"

                       "title": "title of the button",
                        "type": "postback",
                        "payload": "/{intent_name}"
                "title": "title",
                "subtitle": "",
                "image_url": "link to your image",
                 "dims": {
            "width": 50,
            "height": 50
                "buttons": [
                        "title": "title of the button",
                        "type": "postback",
                        "payload": "/{intent_name}"


                        "title": "title of the button",
                        "type": "postback",
                        "payload": "/{intent_name}"

                        "title": "title of the button",
                        "type": "postback",
                        "payload": "/{intent_name}"


You can try the above code in your actions.py or the code mentioned by @sibbsnb . Both are fine and should work for you.

hi. i tried adding the above code to actions.py but it doesnt show anything ): does this work in rasa x? im only testing my chatbot there. i hope someone can help me thank you!