Rasa Pro 3.8 and above is taking hours to install via pip

I’m trying to install Rasa Pro==3.8 and above using pip. Its already been 4-6 hours and still it’s not installed yet. It keeps backtracking and resolves dependency fixes. I’m confused what method to use for fast install of Rasa Pro now.

PIP command used

pip install --extra-index-url https://europe-west3-python.pkg.dev/rasa-releases/rasa-pro-python/simple/ rasa-pro

Virtual Env: Python 3.8

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i have the same issue , it is taking hours and after all this hours it runs into timeout error because it is not supposed to take that long . what should i do?

First do: pip install uv

and then do: uv pip install --extra-index-url https://europe-west3-python.pkg.dev/rasa-releases/rasa-pro-python/simple/ rasa-pro==

I know this thanks to @jtrasa