My rasa NLU are perfectly guessing the correct intent , but my the policies are not correctly guessing the actions: can someone explain to me how can i config the policies to follow strictly my stories
hey, Just to inform from my rasa experience, rasa doesn’t has any such policies which can make stories to be followed strictly as far as i know, your conversation flow will be guided by nlu only, if your use case is simply like for this question this should be the answer then you can use rules instead of stories but if your use case is bit of complex then dealing with rasa will be a difficult task, as with complex use case dependency on story increases and stories are highly incapable of handling the strict conversation flow. Stories are just capable of giving answer but incapable of handling the flow in that also if any of the intent is bit of similar then story becomes uncontrollable it will try to match user input words with all the intents written in nlu instead of looking which intent is mentioned in story because of this approach it starts following matched intent story and forget about what the conversation flow was.
So, to conclude use rules if you have question answer type use case (as rules doesn’t accept more than 3 flows), else can go with stories but will be challenging task to deal with.