I have a story which is not followed as expected, the intent is classified correctly, the story starts but mid way it gets diverted saying “TED predicted ‘action_listen’ or any other action”
Even though I have memorization policy → max_history 7 , it says “DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - There is no memorised next action” (what does this line mean exactly?)
Secondly, what changes can I make so that rasa follows my story
I would start by splitting this into two stories (I would use rules instead). Use a separate story/rule to enter the form and another to handle form completion. You’ll see these examples in the forms docs.
I am not using rules as i want my story to break if a user changes the intent of the story,
I have an understanding that rules will execute all it’s steps no matter what, if this is not the case please let me know.
Also how could I break this story into two?
if you are saying to have form in one story and actions in another then how would the second story get triggered?