'rasa' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Hi, i was new to here and i have installed rasa in the right way, but now i meet this problem

  • * >  (python3.7_rasa) C:\Users\leo>pip show rasa
  • * >     Name: rasa
  • * >     Version: 1.10.3
  • * >     Summary: Open source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants
  • * >     Home-page: https://rasa.com
  • * >     Author: Rasa Technologies GmbH
  • * >     Author-email: hi@rasa.com
  • * >     License: Apache-2.0
  • * >     Location: c:\users\leo\appdata\roaming\python\python37\site-packages
  • * >     Requires: coloredlogs, slackclient, SQLAlchemy, ujson, psycopg2-binary, cloudpickle, colorclass, python-socketio, pytz, rasa-sdk, matplotlib, jsonschema, tensorflow-estimator, tensorflow-probability, multidict, questionary, oauth2client, python-engineio, redis, tqdm, aiohttp, sanic-cors, PyJWT, python-dateutil, tensorflow-addons, pykwalify, networkx, attrs, terminaltables, ruamel.yaml, sanic, sanic-jwt, scipy, requests, colorhash, fbmessenger, mattermostwrapper, gevent, pydot, kafka-python, rocketchat-API, python-telegram-bot, absl-py, jsonpickle, prompt-toolkit, sklearn-crfsuite, boto3, tensorflow-hub, setuptools, twilio, apscheduler, async-generator, numpy, pymongo, tensorflow, webexteamssdk, pika, scikit-learn, packaging
    • * >     Required-by: rasa-x`Preformatted text`
    and for tf
    • (python3.7_rasa) C:\Users\leo>pip show tensorflow
    • Name: tensorflow
    • Version: 2.1.0
    • Summary: TensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone.
    • Home-page: https://www.tensorflow.org/
    • Author: Google Inc.
      Author-email: packages@tensorflow.org License: Apache 2.0 Location: d:\program files (x86)\anaconda3\envs\python3.7_rasa\lib\site-packages
    • Requires: google-pasta, protobuf, termcolor, six, opt-einsum, astor, scipy, absl-py, gast, tensorflow-estimator, wrapt, grpcio, numpy, keras-applications, wheel, keras-preprocessing, tensorboard
    • Required-by: rasa, tensorflow-addons

but when i run the instruction the cmd told me it can not find it, i have no idea only come here for some help.

(python3.7_rasa) C:\Users\leo>rasa init --no-prompt

'rasa' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I found the reason why the rasa commend can not work. the reason is that the system environment variable didnot set the rasa.exe file’s location, you need find the location of it and add the location to system environment variable.Mine is in C:\Users\leo\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\Scripts.

Wish this can be help to you.

Does python -m rasa work?

Did you install Rasa via pip? Maybe try using this tutorial. I faced the same issue but using anaconda prompt (as explained in the video) solved it for me.