Rasa developer learning path and books

I´m an experienced programmer but I know nothing about NLP. I´m reading every Rasa doc, tutorial, etc but, in order to become a chatbot developer, and build real chatbots for real clients, I think I should have some additional NLP foundations. Should I take some courses, do a master, read some NLP books (what books)? What learning path do you suggest?


Hi Hernan,

there’s lots of content on our side on NLP. There’s blogposts, NLP for Devs and the Algorithm Whiteboard. If you’re interested in building an assistant for a client however I would like to stress that NLP is great … but it’s not the most important thing here.

The most important thing is to actually listen to your end-users and to make sure that your data represents conversations that they intend to have. It’s one thing to optimise a NLP model for the dataset that you have, but this is a silly exercise if the dataset doesn’t reflect your users interest. Getting this feedback loop right, that’s the part I would focus on.


Hi Vincent, thank your for your help. I liked your post about de NLU pipeline and the videos look good too. I´ll take your advice :wink:

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