Rasa deployment - kubernetes/quick install - Webchat integration not working

@paolo_1st means in nutshell, you want that your chatbot which is developed using rasa open source, should deploy on your website; for that you are using chatroom right?

yes i am using Rasa webchat, not chatroom (as it didn’t work).

The command CMD [ “run”,“-m”,“/app/models”,“–enable-api”,“–cors”,“*”,“–debug” ] in docker file didn’t work as the app docker is crashing and here below is the logs (syntax problem):

Blockquote [root@localhost ~]# kubectl logs --namespace=rasa rasa-app-6d79f897f-c465z ./entrypoint.sh: line 17: exec: --: invalid option exec: usage: exec [-cl] [-a name] [command [arguments …]] [redirection …]


@paolo_1st I am able to run my rasa+webchat+wordpress+postgres using docker, as I can see you are using Kubertise, I am not much familiar on this domain. If it’s something related to docker, docker-compose, Wordpress site etc. I will love to provide you help and solution. I hope you got my point.

Ok thanks, i already tried docker compose but it didn’t work (getting 404 error no page found on rasa web interface) after docker compose up -d

Hi, any help please. I m getting connection refused errors in the attached snapshot.

The problem is solved by removing the port number from socketURL. However, i m facing a new problem: webchat is accepting only 1 session. How can i make it multi-sessions?


!(function () { let e = document.createElement(“script”), t = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName(“head”)[0]; (e.src = “index.js”), (e.async = !0), (e.onload = () => { window.WebChat.default( { initPayload:“/greet”, socketUrl: “http://x.x.x.x”, socketPath: “/socket.io/”, title: “GDS chatbot”, subtitle: “”, hideWhenNotConnected:false, showFullScreenButton:true, showMessageDate:true, displayUnreadCount:true, connectingText: “Waiting for server…” }, null ); }), t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild); })();


The problem is solved by using chatbot widget:

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@paolo_1st Great! Congratulations.I hope you able to deploy this on your website too.Good Luck!

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