Rasa.db on postgres is not reading from RabbitMQ

Hello all,

I’ve rasa chatbot that has a connection to RabbitMQ configured in endpoint.yml like this :


  type: "pika"

  url: ***

  port: 5672  # change if your RabbitMQ service is exposed on a different port

  username: "user"  # if customized, value of the RABBITMQ_USERNAME environment variable

  password: ****


    - "rasa_production_events"

I ran this command rabbitmqctl list_queues and I got a lot of messages that are unacknowledged image

PostgresSQL & rabbit MQ are running in containers when I setup RASA X first time. and I’m still using them. One day, postgres doesn’t read events anymore and don’t update rasa.db tables. So I couldn’t store conversations while I do believe that those msgs stuck in RabbitMQ is what should be in Postgres.

Did that happend to you or you have any clue? I really need your kind advice. So if anyone know how can i reconnect rabbitmq to postgres? Because I don’t know how to get these data from RabbitMQ and i don’t know how can I ensure that postgres is listening to RabbitMQ.

I tried to restart PostgresSQL container and nothing fixed. I did it with RabbitMQ container too. Nothing changed also.

** I’m new to this concept of ( event broker , Messiging Queue … ) so you may read something that is incorrect while i’m trying to describe my issue : ( and sorry for my bad english : ) **

Thanks for reading, looking forward to read yours : )

RabbitMQ and Postgres don’t interact in the Rasa architecture as you can see in this architecture diagram. In your configuration, Postgres is being used as the Tracker Store and RabbitMQ as the event broker.

It sounds like you may be having issues writing to Postgres but it’s hard to tell from the description. You should look at the messages in the rasa log.


Thanks Stephens, It is clear now! Why i didn’t see this architecture :thinking::sweat:

I have one more question here :grin:, If I wouldn’t not use Rasa X should I not connect rasa to Event Broker ? Because it will run and consumes power and storage of my server while i don’t use RasaX anymore. I will configure a tracker store instead to get the conversations.

Normally, you wouldn’t configure an event broker unless you are using Rasa X or want the event stream for other uses, such as an analytics platform.

I would also stop using Rasa X.

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Ok got it! I thought it would help the performance. OK, I will stop it. Thanks a lot!!