Hello all,
I’ve rasa chatbot that has a connection to RabbitMQ configured in endpoint.yml like this :
type: "pika"
url: ***
port: 5672 # change if your RabbitMQ service is exposed on a different port
username: "user" # if customized, value of the RABBITMQ_USERNAME environment variable
password: ****
- "rasa_production_events"
I ran this command rabbitmqctl list_queues
and I got a lot of messages that are unacknowledged
PostgresSQL & rabbit MQ are running in containers when I setup RASA X first time. and I’m still using them. One day, postgres doesn’t read events anymore and don’t update rasa.db tables. So I couldn’t store conversations while I do believe that those msgs stuck in RabbitMQ is what should be in Postgres.
Did that happend to you or you have any clue? I really need your kind advice. So if anyone know how can i reconnect rabbitmq to postgres? Because I don’t know how to get these data from RabbitMQ and i don’t know how can I ensure that postgres is listening to RabbitMQ.
I tried to restart PostgresSQL container and nothing fixed. I did it with RabbitMQ container too. Nothing changed also.
** I’m new to this concept of ( event broker , Messiging Queue … ) so you may read something that is incorrect while i’m trying to describe my issue : ( and sorry for my bad english : ) **
Thanks for reading, looking forward to read yours : )