Rasa bot is not responding for the same message , if said twice or thrice

I have integrated my rasa chatbot with an android speech app, so now it got converted to a voice bot. But when I am trying to say the same message twice or thrice , for ex.- “hello”, it just responds for the first hello and gives empty responses for other hellos. I need to again restart the server in order to continue the conversation. As , now it is a voice bot ,then it may happen that a person speaks the same thing twice or thrice, knowingly or unknowingly … and it should respond something for that and continue the conversation, but that is not happening. May I know the reason for this? Need your suggestions and help.

Hm, I have same problem not so long ago, and I can advice to you use this:

  1. MappingPolicy: intents:
  • greet: triggers: utter_greet (its always answer “hello” on “hello”)
  1. and write several storys like this:


  • some_intent
    • utter_ask_some_thing
  • affirm
    • utter_lets_do_this


  • some_intent
    • utter_ask_some_thing
  • some_intent
    • utter_ask_some_thing
  • affirm
    • utter_lets_do_this


  • some_intent
    • utter_ask_some_thing
  • some_intent
    • utter_ask_some_thing
  • some_intent
    • utter_ask_some_thing
  • affirm
    • utter_lets_do_this

(oddly enough, it helped me, and I hope it will help you too)

  1. also you can see on FallbackPolicy, when user say something that bot never see
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Thanks but my problem is yet not solved. Any other suggestions?

hey @ragini1 can you just check in the logs whether whatever you speak, whether STT(Speech-To-Text ) is working fine everytime?

yeah, that is working fine.

how to configure rasa, if I say Hi name, it should not reply.

can you elaborate like where to use (MappingPolicy: intents:) ??