How to implement a repeat intent

We would like to implement an intent in our bot that should do the following:

  • User ask things like “Please say that again?”
  • The bot respond saying “Did you want me to repeat what I just said a moment ago?”
  • The user respond yes
  • I repeat the last utter before “Please say that again?”

I’d like to implement that in a way that we don’t have to create all the different casuistics in the stories. Maybe a rule but rules are not allowing several intents. Also, I’d like this implementation to be solid enougth to keep bot memory and state healty once I repeat.

Any ideas?

You can do it using rasa action:

class ActionRepeat(Action):
    def name(self) -> Text:
        return "action_repeat"

    def run(self, dispatcher, tracker, domain):
        if len( >= 3:
            i = 0
            while([i].get('event')!='bot' ):
                i = i-1
            last =[i].get('data').get('custom')  #I have custom response
                #do what you want with your last message 
                #i.e I had a field named text so:
                "text": last.get('text')
        return [UserUtteranceReverted()]
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Hello TalissaDreossi thanks for the quick response! This is quite helpfull.

Ok, I think I understand what you suggest

Also, where do you suggest to add the following steps? Is it possible to add this as a Rule (because I want this to be a generic behaviour)? I didn’t found rules with two intents… but maybe is possible?

  • User ask things like “Please say that again?” (intent: repeat)
  • The bot respond saying “Did you want me to repeat what I just said a moment ago?” (utter_repeat)
  • The user respond yes (intent:affirm)
  • I repeat the last utter before “Please say that again?” (action_repeat)

I think you can do that by searching recursively in tracker the previous of previous message:

if len( >= 5:   #not sure if 5 but it must be greater than 3 cause now you have another question in between
    i = 0
    while([i].get('event')!='bot' or keepSearching):
       i = i-1
             keepSearching = False  
             #so next time it find[i].get('event')=='bot' it will exit while loop
             #giving you the first response and not “Did you want me to repeat what I just said a moment ago?” 

I think this can be done in a smarter way :sweat_smile: but just to get you the idea this should work :wink: