Hey there,
I have been facing an issue with deploying Rasa X on a server these past days. I am following the Quick Installation described on the Deploy to Server tutorial on a Google Cloud VM (using Ubuntu 16.04). Based on previously posted issues, I have used the https://storage.googleapis.com/rasa-x-releases/0.19.2/install.sh
installation for this (pinned version).
I am able to connect to the Rasa X UI through the provided public IP address and can upload models using the curl -k -F "model=@my_model.tar.gz"
After uploading the model and making it active, I can however not talk to my bot as it is not reypling and appears to be buffering on the response. Neither the “Mode: Talk”, “Mode: Interactive” or sharing with testers is working. I know that there appears to be an issue with Rasa X only showing responses only after refreshing the page (i.e. from this issue #3936). This is NOT the case with my bot. After refreshing the page, it completely restarts and my previous messages disappear, while no replies from the bot show up.
I have hypothesized that it might be a problem with the language model. The model is trained based on the recently released German bert-base embeddings (de_pytt_bertbasecased_lg). Is the language model “contained” in the trained model? Or is it necessary to previously download and link the language model, on which the model was trained, before being able to run the bot on the Rasa X server? If so, where would I need to download it to (modify a specific rasa docker-image or another solution?)?
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I’m quite new to this and have no experience with docker.
Thanks so much!