Logs of running rasa open source
project server is here
There are some logs that rasa.core.brokers.pika
about connection established but no more.
nohup: ignoring input
2021-04-13 09:56:52.835693: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:59] Could not load dynamic library 'libcudart.so.10.1'; dlerror: libcudart.so.10.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2021-04-13 09:56:52.835750: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cudart_stub.cc:29] Ignore above cudart dlerror if you do not have a GPU set up on your machine.
2021-04-13 09:56:54.405321: W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:59] Could not load dynamic library 'libcuda.so.1'; dlerror: libcuda.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2021-04-13 09:56:54.405375: W tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_driver.cc:312] failed call to cuInit: UNKNOWN ERROR (303)
2021-04-13 09:56:54.405400: I tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_diagnostics.cc:156] kernel driver does not appear to be running on this host (sgpvmc0669): /proc/driver/nvidia/version does not exist
2021-04-13 09:56:54 DEBUG rasa.cli.utils - Parameter 'endpoints' not set. Using default location 'endpoints.yml' instead.
2021-04-13 09:56:54 DEBUG rasa.cli.utils - Parameter 'credentials' not set. Using default location 'credentials.yml' instead.
2021-04-13 09:56:54 DEBUG rasa.core.utils - Available web server routes:
/conversations/<conversation_id:path>/messages POST add_message
/conversations/<conversation_id:path>/tracker/events POST append_events
/webhooks/rasa GET custom_webhook_RasaChatInput.health
/webhooks/rasa/webhook POST custom_webhook_RasaChatInput.receive
/webhooks/rest GET custom_webhook_RestInput.health
/webhooks/rest/webhook POST custom_webhook_RestInput.receive
/model/test/intents POST evaluate_intents
/model/test/stories POST evaluate_stories
/conversations/<conversation_id:path>/execute POST execute_action
/domain GET get_domain
/ GET hello
/model PUT load_model
/model/parse POST parse
/conversations/<conversation_id:path>/predict POST predict
/conversations/<conversation_id:path>/tracker/events PUT replace_events
/conversations/<conversation_id:path>/story GET retrieve_story
/conversations/<conversation_id:path>/tracker GET retrieve_tracker
/status GET status
/model/predict POST tracker_predict
/model/train POST train
/conversations/<conversation_id:path>/trigger_intent POST trigger_intent
/model DELETE unload_model
/version GET version
2021-04-13 09:56:54 INFO root - Starting Rasa server on http://localhost:5005
2021-04-13 09:56:54 DEBUG rasa.core.utils - Using the default number of Sanic workers (1).
2021-04-13 09:56:54 INFO rasa.model - Loading model models/20210402-111328.tar.gz...
2021-04-13 09:56:54 DEBUG rasa.model - Extracted model to '/tmp/tmpma7syn20'.
2021-04-13 09:56:54 DEBUG urllib3.connectionpool - Starting new HTTPS connection (1): api.segment.io:443
2021-04-13 09:56:54 DEBUG rasa.telemetry - Skipping telemetry reporting: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.segment.io', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/track (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f7938b68090>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known'))
2021-04-13 09:56:54 INFO root - Enabling coroutine debugging. Loop id 78540192.
2021-04-13 09:56:54 INFO rasa.model - Loading model models/20210402-111328.tar.gz...
2021-04-13 09:56:55 DEBUG rasa.model - Extracted model to '/tmp/tmp5yo06c_h'.
2021-04-13 09:56:55 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Loading the model from /tmp/tmp5yo06c_h/nlu/component_5_DIETClassifier.tf_model with finetune_mode=False...
2021-04-13 09:56:55.107811: I tensorflow/core/platform/profile_utils/cpu_utils.cc:104] CPU Frequency: 3000000000 Hz
2021-04-13 09:56:55.108129: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/service.cc:168] XLA service 0x4e1c6a0 initialized for platform Host (this does not guarantee that XLA will be used). Devices:
2021-04-13 09:56:55.108158: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/service/service.cc:176] StreamExecutor device (0): Host, Default Version
2021-04-13 09:56:55 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - Following metrics will be logged during training:
2021-04-13 09:56:55 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - t_loss (total loss)
2021-04-13 09:56:55 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - i_acc (intent acc)
2021-04-13 09:56:55 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - i_loss (intent loss)
2021-04-13 09:56:55 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Finished loading the model.
2021-04-13 09:56:55 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Building tensorflow prediction graph...
2021-04-13 09:56:58 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Finished building tensorflow prediction graph.
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rasa/utils/train_utils.py:437: UserWarning: constrain_similarities is set to `False`. It is recommended to set it to `True` when using cross-entropy loss. It will be set to `True` by default, Rasa Open Source 3.0.0 onwards.category=UserWarning,
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rasa/utils/train_utils.py:410: UserWarning: model_confidence is set to `softmax`. It is recommended to set it to `cosine`. It will be set to `cosine` by default, Rasa Open Source 3.0.0 onwards.category=UserWarning,
2021-04-13 09:56:58 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - Failed to load model for 'ResponseSelector'. Maybe you did not provide enough training data and no model was trained or the path '/tmp/tmp5yo06c_h/nlu' doesn't exist?
2021-04-13 09:56:58 INFO rasa.core.brokers.pika - Connecting to RabbitMQ ...
2021-04-13 09:56:59 INFO rasa.core.brokers.pika - RabbitMQ connection to '' was established.
2021-04-13 09:56:59 DEBUG rasa.core.brokers.pika - RabbitMQ channel was opened. Declaring fanout exchange 'rasa-exchange'.
2021-04-13 09:56:59 DEBUG rasa.core.brokers.broker - Instantiated event broker to 'PikaEventBroker'.
2021-04-13 09:56:59 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Attempting to connect to database via 'postgresql://rbadmin_app2:***@localhost/rasa_test'.
2021-04-13 09:56:59 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Connection to SQL database 'rasa_test' successful.
2021-04-13 09:56:59 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Connected to SQLTrackerStore.
2021-04-13 09:56:59 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Connected to lock store 'InMemoryLockStore'.
2021-04-13 09:56:59 DEBUG rasa.model - Extracted model to '/tmp/tmp06fv2nq0'.
2021-04-13 09:56:59 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Loading the model from /tmp/tmp06fv2nq0/core/policy_1_TEDPolicy/ted_policy.tf_model with finetune_mode=False...
2021-04-13 09:56:59 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Finished loading the model.
2021-04-13 09:56:59 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Building tensorflow prediction graph...
2021-04-13 09:57:03 DEBUG rasa.utils.tensorflow.models - Finished building tensorflow prediction graph.
2021-04-13 09:57:03 DEBUG rasa.core.nlg.generator - Instantiated NLG to 'TemplatedNaturalLanguageGenerator'.
2021-04-13 09:57:03 INFO root - Rasa server is up and running.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Issuing ticket for conversation 'jitesh97'.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Acquiring lock for conversation 'jitesh97'.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Acquired lock for conversation 'jitesh97'.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Recreating tracker from sender id 'jitesh97'
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - The latest session for conversation ID 'jitesh97' has expired.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Starting a new session for conversation ID 'jitesh97'.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Policy prediction ended with events '[]'.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action 'action_session_start' ended with events '[<rasa.shared.core.events.SessionStarted object at 0x7f78f6fd0e50>, ActionExecuted(action: action_listen, policy: None, confidence: None)]'.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Current slot values:
rate: None
idea: None
email: None
more: None
requested_slot: None
session_started_metadata: None
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Received user message '/restart' with intent '{'name': 'restart', 'confidence': 1.0}' and entities '[]'
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Logged UserUtterance - tracker now has 13 events.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - Current tracker state:[state 1] user intent: restart | previous action name: action_listen
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - There is no memorised next action
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Current tracker state:[state 1] user text: /restart | previous action name: action_listen
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - There is no applicable rule.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Predicted default action 'action_restart'.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Made prediction using user intent.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Added `DefinePrevUserUtteredFeaturization(False)` event.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_2_RulePolicy.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action 'action_restart' with confidence 1.00.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Policy prediction ended with events '[<rasa.shared.core.events.DefinePrevUserUtteredFeaturization object at 0x7f78f6f7dd50>]'.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action 'action_restart' ended with events '[BotUttered('If you want to re-answer questions, click the upper-right button and choose [Restart].', {"elements": null, "quick_replies": null, "buttons": null, "attachment": null, "image": null, "custom": null}, {"template_name": "utter_restart"}, 1618279040.1426716), <rasa.shared.core.events.Restarted object at 0x7f78f6ced190>]'.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Current slot values:
rate: None
idea: None
email: None
more: None
requested_slot: None
session_started_metadata: None
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action 'action_session_start' with confidence 1.00.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Policy prediction ended with events '[]'.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action 'action_session_start' ended with events '[<rasa.shared.core.events.SessionStarted object at 0x7f78f6bd3a10>, ActionExecuted(action: action_listen, policy: None, confidence: None)]'.
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Current slot values:
rate: None
idea: None
email: None
more: None
requested_slot: None
session_started_metadata: None
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Recreating tracker from sender id 'jitesh97'
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Tracker with sender_id 'jitesh97' stored to database
2021-04-13 09:57:20 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Deleted lock for conversation 'jitesh97'.
2021-04-13 09:57:26 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Issuing ticket for conversation 'jitesh97'.
2021-04-13 09:57:26 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Acquiring lock for conversation 'jitesh97'.
2021-04-13 09:57:26 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Acquired lock for conversation 'jitesh97'.
2021-04-13 09:57:26 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Recreating tracker from sender id 'jitesh97'
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.nlu.classifiers.diet_classifier - There is no trained model for 'ResponseSelector': The component is either not trained or didn't receive enough training data.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.nlu.selectors.response_selector - Adding following selector key to message property: default
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Received user message 'hello there' with intent '{'id': 8355873976953206928, 'name': 'greet', 'confidence': 0.9999998807907104}' and entities '[]'
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Logged UserUtterance - tracker now has 3 events.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - Current tracker state:[state 1] user intent: greet | previous action name: action_listen
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - There is a memorised next action 'utter_greet'
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Current tracker state:[state 1] user text: hello there | previous action name: action_listen
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - There is no applicable rule.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Current tracker state:[state 1] user intent: greet | previous action name: action_listen
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - There is a rule for the next action 'utter_greet'.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Made prediction using user intent.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Added `DefinePrevUserUtteredFeaturization(False)` event.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_2_RulePolicy.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action 'utter_greet' with confidence 1.00.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Policy prediction ended with events '[<rasa.shared.core.events.DefinePrevUserUtteredFeaturization object at 0x7f78f6eed810>]'.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action 'utter_greet' ended with events '[BotUttered('Hey there~ Nice to meet you. My name is Robson.', {"elements": null, "quick_replies": null, "buttons": null, "attachment": null, "image": null, "custom": null}, {"template_name": "utter_greet"}, 1618279047.1550605)]'.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - Current tracker state:
[state 1] user intent: greet | previous action name: action_listen
[state 2] user intent: greet | previous action name: utter_greet
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - There is a memorised next action 'utter_rate'
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Current tracker state:
[state 1] user intent: greet | previous action name: action_listen
[state 2] user intent: greet | previous action name: utter_greet
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - There is a rule for the next action 'utter_rate'.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_2_RulePolicy.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action 'utter_rate' with confidence 1.00.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Policy prediction ended with events '[]'.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action 'utter_rate' ended with events '[BotUttered('How do you like our chatbot showcase? ', {"elements": null, "quick_replies": null, "buttons": [{"title": "Great", "payload": "/rate_good"}, {"title": "Not Bad", "payload": "/rate_soso"}, {"title": "Inadequate", "payload": "/rate_bad"}], "attachment": null, "image": null, "custom": null}, {"template_name": "utter_rate"}, 1618279047.1621578)]'.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - Current tracker state:
[state 1] user intent: greet | previous action name: action_listen
[state 2] user intent: greet | previous action name: utter_greet
[state 3] user intent: greet | previous action name: utter_rate
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.memoization - There is a memorised next action 'action_listen'
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - Current tracker state:
[state 1] user intent: greet | previous action name: action_listen
[state 2] user intent: greet | previous action name: utter_greet
[state 3] user intent: greet | previous action name: utter_rate
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.rule_policy - There is a rule for the next action 'action_listen'.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.policies.ensemble - Predicted next action using policy_2_RulePolicy.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Predicted next action 'action_listen' with confidence 1.00.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Policy prediction ended with events '[]'.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.processor - Action 'action_listen' ended with events '[]'.
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Recreating tracker from sender id 'jitesh97'
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.tracker_store - Tracker with sender_id 'jitesh97' stored to database
2021-04-13 09:57:27 DEBUG rasa.core.lock_store - Deleted lock for conversation 'jitesh97'.