Yes! All pods seem to be running. But I get “404 page not found” when I try using rasa X via deployment URL.
Note: I could access Rasa X via URL when I deployed the assistant using the quick install script about 15 days back. This issue started occurring when I tried redeploying the assistant yesterday on the same instance.
To debug, I put the quickinstall script contents in a shell script and ran it manually.
Looks like it is getting stuck at the following place in the script:
wait_for_deployment_to_be_healthy() {
echo "check 3"
# Get the Rasa X pod name
POD=$(kubectl --namespace "${DEPLOYMENT_NAMESPACE}" get pod -l -o name)
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
# Check the Rasa X health endpoint to be sure that the deployment is ready and the Rasa X is fully operational
# The Rasa X health endpoints returns status 200 if the rasa-production and rasa-worker services are ready
# The endpoint is checked inside of the rasa x pod in order to avoid dependency on an ingress configuration
kubectl --namespace "${DEPLOYMENT_NAMESPACE}" \
exec "${POD}" -- /bin/bash -c 'curl -s localhost:$SELF_PORT/api/health | grep "\"status\":200"' &> ${REDIRECT}