PonyORM use for mapping entities with Rasa chatbot and MYSQL database

I am trying to build a chatbot that will query MYSQL database using natural language. Is there a way i can use PonyORM to map entities with MYSQL database table with my Rasa chatbot ? If so, than how can i achieve it?

I saw you got a reply to your question on Stack Overflow. For anyone else wondering about the same thing: here is the answer.

I am kind a new to Rasa, i didn’t get it exactly what needs to be done. I you can provide solution in detail that will help a lot.

Hi @siddharthchauhan,

In response to user input, a Rasa bot will always do an action. This can be different things, e.g. simply an utterance (sending back some reply text) or it could also be a custom action. Such custom actions are what you have to use if you want to query a database.

How to set up custom actions in general is explained in our documentation here. One way to do this is using Rasa SDK. Some explanations on how to use Rasa SDK can be found here. On that page, there is also an example of a custom action that queries a database.

If anything is still unclear or not working, please let me know what you have already set up / implemented and where exactly you are stuck.