Payload error in Buttons - RASA PRO CALM

Flow in the flow.yml:

    description: This flow activates if user presses YES button
      - collect: user_place
      - collect: user_pincode
      - action: utter_appointment_booked

    description: This flow activates if user presses NO button
      - action: utter_appointment_cancelled

Utterance with payload format 1 in domain.yml

    - text : "Enter your choise"
      - title: "YES"
        payload: "/yes"
      - title: "NO"
        payload: "/no"

Utterance with payload format 2 in domain.yml

    - text : "Enter your choise"
      - title: "YES"
        payload: "yes"
      - title: "NO"
        payload: "no"

Error with payload format 1:

2024-07-10 12:19:37 ERROR    rasa.validator  - [error    ] The button 'YES' in response 'utter_ask_final_confirmation' does not follow valid payload
 formats for triggering a specific intent and entities or for triggering a SetSlot command. calm_docs_link=
esponses#payload-syntax event_key=validator.validate_button_payloads.invalid_payload_format nlu_docs_link=
C:\Users\chich\PycharmProjects\New_Rasa\lib\site-packages\rasa\shared\utils\ UserWarning: Failed to parse arguments in line '/non'. Expecte
d the intent to be one of [['back', 'nlu_fallback', 'out_of_scope', 'restart', 'session_start']] but found non.Continuing with given line as user text.
  More info at
2024-07-10 12:19:37 ERROR    rasa.validator  - [error    ] The button 'NO' in response 'utter_ask_final_confirmation' does not follow valid payload 
formats for triggering a specific intent and entities or for triggering a SetSlot command. calm_docs_link=
sponses#payload-syntax event_key=validator.validate_button_payloads.invalid_payload_format nlu_docs_link=

Error with payload format 2: image link: image from rasa inspect

Its either error with “/” in the payload or cannot select the button in rasa inspect without “/” in the payload.

Is there any other way to use the payload or any format to be used in the payload?


In rasa-pro 3.9 you can use the following format for button payloads: issuing-set-slot-commands. Please also check the tutorial here to learn how to build branching logic based on slots.

Thank you @Balowen . It got trained good and working fine.

Encountering a Payload error in Buttons in RASA PRO CALM typically suggests an issue with the payload format or content of buttons in a chatbot. It could be due to an incorrect payload structure, data type mismatch, or unsupported content. Ensure that the payload is correctly defined and conforms to the expected structure for RASA’s button interactions.