Flow in the flow.yml:
description: This flow activates if user presses YES button
- collect: user_place
- collect: user_pincode
- action: utter_appointment_booked
description: This flow activates if user presses NO button
- action: utter_appointment_cancelled
Utterance with payload format 1 in domain.yml
- text : "Enter your choise"
- title: "YES"
payload: "/yes"
- title: "NO"
payload: "/no"
Utterance with payload format 2 in domain.yml
- text : "Enter your choise"
- title: "YES"
payload: "yes"
- title: "NO"
payload: "no"
Error with payload format 1:
2024-07-10 12:19:37 ERROR rasa.validator - [error ] The button 'YES' in response 'utter_ask_final_confirmation' does not follow valid payload
formats for triggering a specific intent and entities or for triggering a SetSlot command. calm_docs_link=https://rasa.com/docs/rasa-pro/concepts/r
esponses#payload-syntax event_key=validator.validate_button_payloads.invalid_payload_format nlu_docs_link=https://rasa.com/docs/rasa-pro/concepts/responses#triggering-intents-or-passing-entities
C:\Users\chich\PycharmProjects\New_Rasa\lib\site-packages\rasa\shared\utils\io.py:86: UserWarning: Failed to parse arguments in line '/non'. Expecte
d the intent to be one of [['back', 'nlu_fallback', 'out_of_scope', 'restart', 'session_start']] but found non.Continuing with given line as user text.
More info at https://rasa.com/docs/rasa-pro/nlu-based-assistants/stories
2024-07-10 12:19:37 ERROR rasa.validator - [error ] The button 'NO' in response 'utter_ask_final_confirmation' does not follow valid payload
formats for triggering a specific intent and entities or for triggering a SetSlot command. calm_docs_link=https://rasa.com/docs/rasa-pro/concepts/re
sponses#payload-syntax event_key=validator.validate_button_payloads.invalid_payload_format nlu_docs_link=https://rasa.com/docs/rasa-pro/concepts/responses#triggering-intents-or-passing-entities
Error with payload format 2: image link: image from rasa inspect
Its either error with “/” in the payload or cannot select the button in rasa inspect
without “/” in the payload.
Is there any other way to use the payload or any format to be used in the payload?