Masking for RASA Conversation


I was wondering how we could mask a certain entity or input by the user. Is there a way to mask the data once we identify the format of the data by using Regex. If there’s other ways to mask specific conversation, would appreciate if i could get some info on it.

Rasa Version      :         2.8.12
Minimum Compatible Version: 2.8.9 
Rasa SDK Version  :         2.8.4 
Rasa X Version    :         1.0
Python Version    :         3.8.10
Operating System  :         Linux-

Welcome to the forum!

Can you give an example of what you’re trying to do?

Hello Chris,

Let me give a brief overview of my current setup:

  1. I have deployed my RASA Open Source locally and my RASA X on an cloud instance.
  2. The way im exporting the conversation between the 2 is trough pika event broker.

What i want to achieve is that, i want to mask certain input from the user for eg: to before the value being parsed to RASA X.

Hope this clarifies.

Hi @ChrisRahme , any updates on this?